A little feedback, please?

The Shining Mew

A Mew that shines
Hi, peeps!

Okay, I've been working on a new competitive build, as my current one isn't really working out for much anymore. Before I go any further, I'm going to say I only half play by Smogon's rules. I use some builds off of Smogon for ideas, but I do not follow the tiers, etc., so please keep that in mind as you rate my team. Thanks in advance for all replies! :D

Gengar- Timid
Levitate (Shadow Tag)
252 HP / 4 Defense / 252 Speed
Perish Song
Sludge Bomb

Garchomp- Adamant
Choice Scarf
Rough Skin
4 HP / 252 Attack / 252 Speed
Dragon Claw
Rock Slide
Iron Head

Florges- Bold
Flower Veil
252 HP / 252 Defense / 4 Special Attack

Claydol- Bold
Mind Plate
252 HP / 52 Defense / 176 Special Attack / 28 Special Defense
Stealth Rock
Cosmic Power
Rapid Spin

Rotom- Wash- Calm
Sitrus Berry
252 HP / 44 Defense / 60 Special Attack / 148 Special Defense / 4 Speed
Volt Switch
Hydro Pump
Light Screen

Life Orb
Gale Wings
84 HP / 252 Attack / 172 Speed
Swords Dance
Brave Bird
Flare Blitz
Hi, can you give explanation on each set? otherwise its hard to suggest anything without knowing your play style and why you've picked each Pokemon.
You don't have to play OU- But without knowing what metagame are you playing it is also very hard to suggest anything as each metagame has its own threats and rules.
In OU Mega Gengar is banned but in VGC ( Doubles 4v4) it is allowed.
Sorry about that! I haven't tested this team out yet, but obviously Claydol would be my lead to set up Stealth Rock. It would probably be switched out after that, into Rotom to set up a Light Screen and then Volt Switch out into Talonflame or Garchomp. No matter what, Florges and Gengar would be one of the last ones to be switched in. What I'm trying to demonstrate is that my usual play style is to set up and stall in the beginning, and then start hitting hard and potentially sweeping towards the end. I know this summary is really, really vague and probably not helpful, but in all honesty, the only thing I usually go by in every battle in my set up, stall, damage, sweep strategy. I like to do something different with each battle. :p
What about the EV spreads? Some are obvious like Gengar and Garchomp but some are really complex like Claydol and Rotom-W. Can you explain them?
Mostly, complex EV spreads are meant for specific threats. Also - What metagame are you playing? if you are playing only in random Wifi battles, making your EV spreads complex for specific threats might not go well as there is no way to tell how common those threats can be. Any Pokemon can show up from Beedrill to Lugia. This is the reason why playing on a specific metagame ( OU VGC Uber etc..) is much more competitive and also to most people - more fun. Random Wifi battles are also fun but are less competitive and are used more for casual battles. In which case I'd also recommend to test on Showdown teambuilder how the EV's are being spread in level 50. Which is the level your Pokemon are set in normal wifi battle. In level 50 lots of things changes and what you think 20 ev's are enough to outspeed something in level 100 fails to outspeed in level 50.
Garchomp's Iron Head is for sure something useless. Use Poison Jab to deal with Fairys instead and have a chance to poison. but I assume you need it for Ice types too. Still, if you run into any of thoe two types, the best would be to switch out. This way, you can give it Life Orb, Jolly/Adamant and DD to sweep.