A Metagame Without DRE

Stage 2 decks leaves; Stage 1 decks come in. DRE is speed. We can find a way to live without it, but any Stage 2 decks that require 3 or more energy attached to 1 pokemon will most likely not be played.
Everybody uses DRE?


I've run many a Stage 2 decks and managed fine without it. It's something about the -10 damage I don't like, and sometimes you find yourself with the only energy card in your hand is a DRE, but you only needed to attach one energy to do what you wanted anyway. Meh. I certainly don't use DRE much, if at all.
Empoleon and Honchkrow will see less play (lol, like Honchkrow is seeing much play right now). I think that GG/PLOX are going to be less played in the next format because it losses DRE, Scramble, Celio, and other pre DP things. I have to say that I won't miss it.

I think that Poli decks will be played before, because both Wrath and Toad need only one or two energies to attack, thus cutting the need for DRE.
I have never played with DRE, and honestly, I would love to see a format without a DRE. I can see some other Stage 2 decks around, but G&G will really go down. (Yeah!)

Kingdra LA however....yeah. Probably the most speedy Stage 2 I've seen.

Anyway, it will change us a bit, but certainly for the better. We can then go back to variety! And rogues!
The best part about the rotation is the down fall of GG/PLOX. Unless DRE is reprinted (Heaven Forbid) then Originality FTW!
True, but I think "Rouge" will regain its power the metagame next season. The problem was, that in this format, 1 deck controlled the metagame from November until now (and so on). And that deck (G&G) killed the archtypes that were popular then.
And even then, we had 4-5 archetypes. No, we have 1, maybe 2.

I would really like to see rogue decks get played more...that would be more enjoyable.
They were played '06-'07 but now they aren't...until the next season. Rouge decks are still played, but you can't win with them.
why would people play blissy? you can't use boost anymore and you can't use scramble the only possible combo is with togekiss
~Roxasora~ said:
The main decks that use DRE are Empoleon and G&G.

Empoleon needs two energy to attack, two energies that bring you 30 to two Pokemon, DRE makes that 20, DRE is not a card that should be in Empoleon. It's Water, Call and Scramble
Actually Gallade can still see play. I imagine it with Omastar MD. :p But i have a feeling DRE gets reprinted in LA. :p