A Metagame Without DRE

Well, I have noticed taht almost all essentialls have been reprinted, such as Warp Point, SSU, Rare Candy, and Metal/Dark Energies. They also reprint certain cards in different cards, such as bubble coat is the new blastoice, felecitiy is TVR, Bebe is Celio, and POV is the new draw power.

If DRE is reprinted, it means an entire season will PLOX dominating.
But DRE could have an odd side affect like stated above.

Felicity-TVR: You discard before draw
Bebe-Celio: Put card at bottom of deck
Bubble Coat-Blastoise: Trainer instead of Poke-Body

If they decide to reprint DRE, it will be in LA. It will start the season, not end it....
~Roxasora~ said:
But DRE could have an odd side affect like stated above.

Felicity-TVR: You discard before draw
Bebe-Celio: Put card at bottom of deck
Bubble Coat-Blastoise: Trainer instead of Poke-Body

If they decide to reprint DRE, it will be in LA. It will start the season, not end it....

I didn't mean exact reprints. I meant that with the loss of one discard and draw card, we get another one. With the loss of something to cover our weakness's, we get a new card.
Less Psychic Lock. Empoleon will see lots of play, Gallade will still be around. More Togekiss and Eeveelutions. And Typhlosion will see more play in Fire decks. More T2Decks, though less Banette, more Blissey (not much more). Defenitely lots of Kingdra's.
no i mean they will re print a card like dre and it may have the same effect as like holon castform
Gardevoir and Gallade have been dominating ever since Cities. Seriously, if the Reprint DRE, it will still be around for BR's and for Cities, making it be the deck to beat for a year. That isn't right. That is why we have rotation.

Well, I can hope that the format after DP on is GE-on.
i think without DRE
More T2 Will finnaly see the light of day...
Mayeb lv Xs not played before will win.
Or we might see a lot of Leafeon lv. Xs in decks.
But I hope Kingdra deosnt become the new GG deck...
I dont want my favorite card to become hella Used...
and If they did reprint DRE it should have these side effects.

When attaching DRE you may not have any LV. X in play or else discard Double rainbow energy.
There is a GG kill for you lol
I agree, but speed will know be the metagame. You don't need to worry about alot of damage because speed will beat power.
i hope they do reprint DRE & Scramble. They made the TCG easy. Also I once used G&G without DRE & Scramble. (I left them at a friends house) I still made it to the final rounds.
GameStopper said:
I agree, but speed will know be the metagame. You don't need to worry about alot of damage because speed will beat power.

Such a broad statement like that is incorrect. You might say that in the current metagame, or with the cards available, speed decks generally turn out to be better than decks with sheer power. But unless the actual speed and power of two decks are specified, there is no way to tell which one is better.

Um... Oh, back on topic:

I don't want Kingdra LA to be the metagame, heck, I don't want ANYTHING to be the metagame, because rogue decks are fun, fun, fun and create much more diversity in pokemon.
I have already heard people saying "Kingdra is the next metagame". This is probably true....which proves my last statement.

Kingdra is speed>power but that doesn't mean Kingdra isn't powerful...
T2 60+20 Snipe = Kingdra = Awesome = Metagame.
When you put it like that, it is much simpler (lol).

Gardevoir will still be a tech, and Gallade may still see play. All though speed, which has proven to be the only thing to be able to effectively stand up to PLOX, will have a better advantage because you can't T2 KO anything. It takes at least T3 to Psy Cut/Psy Lock, and by that time, your opponent can have a Banette Cycle (Banette Active with two energy, means to discard banette constantly, pulling out Banette every turn) complete. Blissey can pull off 70 damage by that time. Though Blissey will suffer with out boost.