Finished A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... No more registrations!

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RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

IC: Bennett gave his sandwich back because eating Pokémon was immoral, and became a vegetarian n the spot.
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

OoC: lol xD

IC: Jace saw the sandwich Bennett was eating and hi mouth watered. It looked delicious. Then the nurse walked out with Jace's pokeball.
"here is your pokemon" She said. "I hope to see you again"

"Er.. Thanks nurse Joy." Jace took the pokeball and sat back down with Toby and Bennett. He then noticed Bennett had returnedthe sandwich. He would have gladly taken it, he was starving.
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"No Jace, eating Pokémon is BAD!"

Bennett strutted up to Nurse Joy, and said slyly, "Hey babe. Got plans for tonight?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

Nick, who had been on the other side of the Pokecenter heard this and laughed. He then walked up to Bennett. "Are you really trying to pull a Brock?", he asked.
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

Bennett winked at Nick. "So what about it, chick? Shall we go chez moi tonight?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

Sonya sit in the Lobby at the back of the Stage...She turned to Joey.

"So uhm..Joey how do you think I did? You can be honest I kinda am new at this.."

She wiped her face with a wet hand towel relivead that it was over for now..
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Umm.... really Bennett?" Drake pulled Bennett away.
"I'm sorry about that." He told the Nurse.
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

OOC: Living lol! I go away for half an hour and this thread explodes with activity.

IC: Toby reached over and took the Miltank bacon sandwich. "It's here, so why waste it?" asked Toby. He then sunk his teeth into, despite the look of horror on Bennett's face.

IC: Moral problems with this game outmatched moral problems with Warhammer, Alvin. :p
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Aww, Drake... I was just about to get off with her... Hey, do you want to come round mine instead?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Well guys I see you are all eating I'll guess I'll get me some food to."
Spirit goes to the pokemart and buys himself one combuskin chicken sandwich.
'Man this stuff is good."
OOC:Lol joey I had to.
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Did you really just do that, Bennett? Never would have expected that from you!" Jace laughed and then went to look at the food selection. He grabbed an innocent looking salad and went to check out.
"nothing bad about salads!" he said. It wasn't until he sat down that he realized the leaves were from oddishes. He hoped that wasn't painful when they are plucked as he poured some honey mustard over them.
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"I'm not like you guys..." he said, looking strange. " I... I... like men."

Then he fell over.
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Oh dear. Now that makes it slightly difficult." said Toby. "How about we leave him here?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Can't say I am surprised... So anyway, Spirit. When is the rest of your group going to get here. I am excited to meet them"
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Uh-oh we got a fainter clean up on isle 8.Lol"Spirit laughed.
"No but serasuly clean up on isle 8 a little boy blew up a milk carton."
"Eh I don't know after the grand festival I'm pretty sure."
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

A slightly flustered Nurse Joy came up to them. "I think he drank this bottle of whisky, thinking it was water," she said, holding up an empty bottle.

Bennett groaned on the floor.
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Well then, Nurse, I've got a bad pain. Can you kiss it and make it feel better?", he asked.
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Aww really how'd he find that I had it hidden?"
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Now where would that pain be, young man?" said Nurse Joy, a weird look in her eyes.
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

OOC: She's an assassin! Don't tell her! :p

IC: "My friend did seem to be acting weirdly..."
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