Finished A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... No more registrations!

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RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Actually, that doesn't sound bad. The more freaked out the others are, the easier this will be for us. :)" *Gets a hold of the cops*
Officer Jenny: "Grand Festival Police Department. How may I be of service?"
"Giovanni just called me saying that he is outside the Festival. Please, get him off the premises and put him back behind bars."
Officer Jenny: "Giovanni? Bwahaha! He got out on community service! Unless you have a fact that he is doing something wrong, we can't do anything." *Hangs up*
"The cops hung up on me. Apparently, he got out on community service."
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Ok guys. Let's head for Jubilife City, as Spirit says."
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Really community service thats ALL he got..."

Sonya put her hands on her face then grunted...

"Ok so what are we gonna do about this."
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"I have no idea. Right now I want to expose him, but I say we find a little mechanic geek and have him create a video camera robot to follow Giovanni."
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Well its where we should go if we want to go to the gym plus I've always wanted to visit there."
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"There's no gym in Jubilfe City, but there is one in Oreburg", Nick corrected Spirit.
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"No, there is no gym in Jubilife, just a giant tv and the GTS. The city really is nothing special."
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Sigh I ment we have to go threw there to get to Oreburg city sorry if I didn't phrase that right."
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Oh well. That sounds good to me, of course. Let's get going."
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

OOC: Wow I have been inactive. Sorry.

IC: "Yeah we kind of have to go..." Drake said. "Its the only path we can take right now. Lets get moving guys."
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

Jace laughed. "You sound so dramatic, Drake. And I am going to need to train my Ekans some before I will be able to beat the gym leader. Maybe catch a grass type or something, I dunno.."
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Train eh les battle you and me I'll go easy I'll only use my Duskor."
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Ok I guess I will give it a shot, but go really easy!"
Jace takes out Ekans pokeball and tosses him out.
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Les do this dusknor use shadow ball at 5% power"
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

OOC: Since when could you control how powerful an attack is in percentages?
IC: "Go Jace, KO his 'Dusknor'", Nick said.
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Ok Ekans, dodge the shadow ball and use wrap!"
Ekans quickly got out of the way and then launched itself at Dusknoir, but then passed right through it and fell to the ground.
"Oh yeah, forgot about that... Ok, no problem, Ekans use poison sting on it!"
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Dusknor absorb the hit then counter with Earthquake.Guys you might want to move."
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

"Woah! Can you have that Pokemon calm down?! Even my Larvitar can't Earthquake that hard!" Drake yelled.
RE: A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... Taking registrations!

Suddenly the ground shook and Jace had to fight to stay standing. Ekans got beat around violently. When the shaking stopped, Ekans was obviously hurt pretty bad. Jace wasn't going to make him fight anymore after a blow like that.
"Ok, match over. Using an attack like earthquake on an Ekans is hardly going easy on me"
Jace returned Ekans to his pokeball and then quickly went to the pokemon center to get it back to full health before they left for Jubilife City.
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