Finished A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... No more registrations!

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*Joey arrives at a spot along Route 131, otherwise known as the Entrance to Sky Pillar* "All right, here we go!" *Joey rushes in*
Sonya begins to get really Curious about were this ticket leads to.

"Ok that's it were seeing were this goes!"

She walks into the Port and presents the ticket to mistress at the Counter.

"Mam were does this ticket take me?."

"Oh! That is a very rare ticket we, stoped letting people going to Southern Island years ago. Legally if you have the ticket we have to take you though."

"Wow. Southern Isladn huh? Well since I would be the last person to travel there I would love to go! When does the boat leave?"

"We could take you at any time, but just between you and me there are some rare pokemon on the Island. Nothing too special just alot of Uncommons."

"Thanks! I'll load up on Pokeballs. So I'll make a pit stop at the Department Store and come straight back!"

Sonya runs to the store and begins picking out what she needs.
*As Sonya stocks up, Joey races up. Around floor 3, a herd of Altarias are in the way. They are agitated. Joey laughs massively* "Whoowhohahahaha! Angry Altarias, I love it!" *Joey talks to them calmly before the herd covers him with a cloud covering, then leaves him a cloud blanket before the Altarias fly away* "Thank you!" *Joey continues up*
Sonya walks out of the store stocked up and restored.

"Ok now I'm ready!"

She heads down to the boat port to see a small speed boat.The man on the boat motions her over.

"Ah are ye the womern that Iee suppose to take to the ye old Southern Island?"

"Uhm..Yes?" Sonya Flashes the Ticket to the man.

"HAHAH. Did you really think I spoke like that young lady? Yes I'm taking you the Mysterious Southern Islland So just hop on. I already have the boat warmed up so we are ready to go."

Taking a sigh of relief Sonya crawled into the boat. The boat took off fast and kept getting faster. Then he started to slow down dirasticly.

"Arg. The mist is getting heavy. This is why we stoped taking tourist out here. The mist always kept us from landing safly."

Sonya kept quite but relaxed herself in her seat when she though she seen the mist far off shape into a ball!

"What the.."

Sonya whispers quietly. The mist shot staight at the Direction the Island lay.

"How Wierd?"
*On Floor 4, a maze of Claydol begins* "OMG, why does Rayquaza protect itself like this?!? EXCUSE ME!" *Xatu uses Heat Wave on all the Claydols, making them confused somehow* "Let's move!" *Joey punches through 50 Claydol before reaching Floor 5*
Felicity was getting bored with waiting. She stared at the other people. "Well, I can't wait on another person all day! See ya!" She turned around and walked into a dark alley. she opened the back door of the Pokemon Center, where she lived with Nurse Joy. She called for her, and she came running. "I want to catch another pokemon, Joy. Can I have another pokeball. "Sure honey. Here you go." She was in a rush and handed her three black balls with yellow around the circle. I wonder what type of pokeball this is... "Thanks Joy!" She wanted one of those 'legendaries.' She knew she would never get one though. She ran into the nearest grass, after going outside of course, and prepared for a pokemon to jump out. None came. She ran around and around. she lost hope. she began walking back. All of a sudden, a murkrow flew out at her. It tried to claw her back. She dodged, but then prepared to battle. She sent out Magnemite. She was getting good at this battling stuff.
"Might as well come to the GTS with you guys, but I am not trading my Arbok so I guess I will just watch. I haven't got much else to do anyway. You ready?"
Isa steps out of the PokeCenter to see Sonya, a few blocks away, conversing with a woman. She seems to get very excited as she leaves.
"Probably should check what she's up to..."
She sneaks into the bottom of the boat. She waits until it seems as though its to late to turn back, and looks around the bow.
She must be only temporarely using this.
She probably isn't driving it either.
When the boat reached the island Sonya got out and thanked the man. She told him that she would come back in a little while and he decided to take a nap. The mist had onnly surrounded the Island. The island itself was like the eye of the Hurricane, soft, quite, beautiful. Sonya walked the trail untill she came up upon a fog....She had a since that somone was following her...

Edit: Ninj'd. You can follow me Aggie lol
OoC: YAY! I love being the stalker!

Isa saw Sonya stop suddenly. Isa decided to break the silence.
"Hey. Sorry about that."
*Joey reaches Floor 6, only to see a pack of steamed Dusclops filling the room* Ugh... WHY RAYQUAZA, WHY?!?" *Joey begins to plow through the Dusclops with Jirachi*
Sonya turns around and screams while holding up one hand to look like she is going to do a Karate Chop.

"Oh thank Arceus. I'm glad its only you Isa, I was gonna try to bluff knowing jin-jit-su or somthing. So how did you get here? This was the last ticket to Southern Island?"
*A gigantic Dusknoir now is formed from all the Dusknoir* "OH MY GOD! DUSKNOIR, IN MEGA SIZE! HIT IT XATU!" *Xatu attacks with Psychic to shink it, and Shadow Ball to kill it*
Her expression turns dissapointed.
"I grew up with criminals until the age of 12. I know how to get in a boat. So, what's going on here? You seemed pretty excited to get here."
"Oh ,well, like I said this is the last ticket to this Island EVER. Me and you are gonna be the last two to ever come here! Isn't that exiting. I mean I guess other people can get here, but why would they try with all the fog...Anyways I brought some extra pokeballs if you want to catch a pokemon. Im here to catch a rare pokemon thats on the island. The woman at the Port told me there were some good ones out here."

She cought her breath after saying all that and started walking along Isa deeper into the Island's whereabouts.

OOC: I don't know if you know yet Aggie but the Vets are aloud to catch another Legend if we make a battle scene with it. My character, Sonya, is here to catch Latias. The island they are on is Southern Island. Have you decided witch your character is gonna catch?
OoC: Oh. Right. I think I'll go with...nothing. I'll just venture around with you. I already have Azelf. Having more than one legendary would seem god like.

Oh, and I have Manaphy too.

"Oh, right. I might catch an Eevee if I see one, but beyond that, I'm actually good. Legendaries just aren't my thing. And I'm fine. I have my own load of pokeballs."
She decides not to mention the loss of money.
*The Dusknoir shrinks, but embodies a large Wailord in the ocean. A Wailord crashes through the ceiling.*
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? Ugh! How to get rid of a Wailord... Roserade, poison the floor!"
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