Felicity was getting bored with waiting. She stared at the other people. "Well, I can't wait on another person all day! See ya!" She turned around and walked into a dark alley. she opened the back door of the Pokemon Center, where she lived with Nurse Joy. She called for her, and she came running. "I want to catch another pokemon, Joy. Can I have another pokeball. "Sure honey. Here you go." She was in a rush and handed her three black balls with yellow around the circle. I wonder what type of pokeball this is... "Thanks Joy!" She wanted one of those 'legendaries.' She knew she would never get one though. She ran into the nearest grass, after going outside of course, and prepared for a pokemon to jump out. None came. She ran around and around. she lost hope. she began walking back. All of a sudden, a murkrow flew out at her. It tried to claw her back. She dodged, but then prepared to battle. She sent out Magnemite. She was getting good at this battling stuff.