Felicity walked to the GTS, with Jace right behind her. She entered, went to the counter, and talked to the lady. She led her through the process, and then sent felicity right on through. Felicity put in her gastly, asked for a really high level togepi, then walked away. As soon as she reached the door, the machine made the sound of a trade being made. She went back to it, checked to see if it was hers, and sure enough, it was. She got a lvl. 20 togepi. Yaa! She ran out, showing her new pokemon to Jace. "Look! Isn't it cool? Its already named 'Fluffles.' Wierd name if ya ask me, but who knows? Maybe it was an important part of thier life, or maybe they just like the name fluffles." What do you know, FLuffles?" "TogeY! Toge!" As Fluffles said that, she used metronome, accidentally using a really powerful move, hyper beam. Afterwads there was a new hole in the pokemon center, and it will later be known as a tourist attratiction, with a plaque reading "Small pokemon have big souls, and big beams." It also had Fluffles print with it.
"Ok, Im ready to go. You?"