Finished A New Dawn RPG, Shadows Unveiled... No more registrations!

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"Good luck Sonya and Joey..."
She teleports back to the pokemon.
"This is a little better. legends..."
"No offense, Azelf."
I just want to...
Goodnight, Kirlia...

Isa collasps onto the ground.

*Joey sees Isa collapse by a pond* "Not Isa!" *Joey rushes over to her, trying to wake her up*
OOC: This is one of the few times I'll get on in the coming weeks. I'm sorry, but I've been fairly I'll and too exhausted to come online recently, but I may be able to come on once every four or five days. I don't know.
"Can we wait till night? I heard ghost pokemon come out at night, ecspecially in caves. I want a geodude! But you know what i really want? A mismagius. Can we stop by the GTS first? Im going to try and trade my gastly for a togepi. I heard they are awesome...or a pikachu...oh, I don't know! So many to pick from..."
"yeah sure! Totally, let's go now!"
Jace put his coat back on and stood up, motioning for them to follow. He wanted to see a GTS trade in person.
Felicity walked to the GTS, with Jace right behind her. She entered, went to the counter, and talked to the lady. She led her through the process, and then sent felicity right on through. Felicity put in her gastly, asked for a really high level togepi, then walked away. As soon as she reached the door, the machine made the sound of a trade being made. She went back to it, checked to see if it was hers, and sure enough, it was. She got a lvl. 20 togepi. Yaa! She ran out, showing her new pokemon to Jace. "Look! Isn't it cool? Its already named 'Fluffles.' Wierd name if ya ask me, but who knows? Maybe it was an important part of thier life, or maybe they just like the name fluffles." What do you know, FLuffles?" "TogeY! Toge!" As Fluffles said that, she used metronome, accidentally using a really powerful move, hyper beam. Afterwads there was a new hole in the pokemon center, and it will later be known as a tourist attratiction, with a plaque reading "Small pokemon have big souls, and big beams." It also had Fluffles print with it.

"Ok, Im ready to go. You?"
"Yeah, I'm ready, but keep Fluffles away from me"
He walked to the road that lead out of the city to Oreburgh.
"Hold on Effy, gonna send a quick text"

"Me and Felicity are headed to Oreburgh. Come catch up with us if you want to come too"
OoC: Let's keep rolling and see if it's only a short ban. If it is, the mods might not bother until Joey can come back.

Also Joey, you guys are miles away, chasing the legends. There is no possible way you could have seen me. I teleported with Kirlia back to the pokemon to watch them myself.

So, apparently I'm in charge. Behave.
OoC: No one posted? Pity. And I caught Rayquaza if you look a few posts up aggie.
In: *Joey shakes Isa* "Wake up, wake up! Please don't die! Roserade, Aromatherapy!" *A sweet smelling breeze blows* "Please work..."
OOC: You were saying something in a PM about dmaster's alledged unnecessary plans. I'm not sure if they relate to this...
Kirlia quickly smacks the Roserade away.
"STOP!" She screams at the pokemon, then teleports with Isa, Togekiss, and the other pokemon. Unfortunately, Kirlia had no guidance from Isa, so she only lands a few feet away.
Jirachi telepathically talking to Kirlia: What's going on and why did smack my friend Kirlia?
She's part machine.
Normal things like that won't help her.
I don't want Joey to waste his time.
We can't take her to a hospital...
And only Isa knew how to manage her machinery.
There's nothing we can do but leave her alone.

Melrose was watching carefully from the trees.
Isa wants to be a good guy this badly?
OoC: Intro to a new character much? :p
In: Jirachi: Isn't there a way for Psychic pokemon to read and scan minds or body parts? We could figure out what happened...
*Joey's begins to have tears run down his face accidently." Don't die... :'(

JoeyPals!! says: I will be giving 15 Level-Ups upon my return and I'm also very disappointed in the activity levels. Come on, guys!!
OoC: Joeypals!!, stop getting yourself in trouble. Just do what the mods say for a difference if you want your RPG to continue going.
Also, it isn't a new character. Remember the chick who tried to bomb the contest hall?

Melrose jumps from the tree and icks up Isa. She turns to Joey.
"Remember me?"

Ralts listens to the telepathic command from Melrose, giving her the guidance she needed to take them all to the nearest Pokemon Center.
"Nurse Joy, we need some healing for our friend here. But, I just need the equipment. None of your doctors here are qualified to work with her condition."
"Please show your ID."
Melrose shows a ID labeling her as several different types of doctors, mechanics, and scholars.
"Okay, enter room B13."
OOC: Uh... I think I'm slightly to blame for the second ban. Also, our group practically dispersed when word of the lock got out, so I'm striking out alone.

IC: Toby was bored out of his skull. No one had said anything for days, and they'd been sleeping on park benches and eating out of bins. Toby decided to strike out alone, and headed for Canalave City.
OoC: Chiraami, what did you do?

Joey, when will I be able to catch another pokemon? Because my Arbok is getting really really high leveled since its my only one.

IC: Jace exited the cave and arrived in Oreburgh. He wasn't sure if Felicity had followed him or not, but surely she would show up eventually. He walked through the dusty town, barely seeing anyone. It seemed almost like a ghost town, except for the loud sounds coming from the mine. Jace walked to the pokemon center to heal his Arbok.
Next stop, the gym
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