Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

On a scale of 1-10, how is this game overall?

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: How's this?
%= HP
&= Pokemon
Lt. Surge: &&& %%%%%%%%
Maylene: &&& %%%%%%
Brandon: &&&& %%%%%%%%%%
Me: &&&& %%%%%%%
Lt. Surge: Not bad you two. Voltorb use Screech!
Maylene: Meditite use Detect!
Me: Pikachu use Thundeshock on Voltorb!
In B: Houndour use Ember on Voltorb to!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Perfect! Now, Numel! Ember, then Magnitude! *9* *Numel creates a Fire Spin- like veil on it's decent*
Wattson: Says you! Float up to Numel and tackle it, now!
Whitney: Miltank, let's Rollout into the collosion!
EDIT: Good.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Me: &&&& %%%%%%
Brandon: &&&& %%%%%%%%%%
Lt. Surge: X&& %%%%%%%%%%
Maylene: &&& %%%%%%

Lt. Surge: Voltorb no! Alright Pikachu your turn! Now use Shock Wave!
Maylene: Meditite use Confusion on Pikachu (Mine not Surge's)
Me: Pikachu stop Meditite with Thundershock!
In B: Houndour use Smog on Pikachu! (Surge's not mine)
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Me: X&&& %%%%%%%%%%
Brandon: &&&& %%%%%%%
Maylene: &&& %%
Lt. Surge: X&& %%%%%

Lt. Surge: Pikachu use Quick Attack on Houndour!
Me: Bagon your up! Now use Bite on Meditite (Lol that rhymed)
In B: Houndour use Ember on Pikachu!
Maylene: Meditite Detect!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Psybeam hits Magnemite, making it wonder where to go. Numel lands on Magnemite and uses Magnitude, killing it. Miltank missed*
Stats: Wattson: xx@ $$$$$$$$
Whitney: x@ $$$$$$$$
Isa: @@@@ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Me: @@@@@ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: I think I'm a little behind everyone.. still in the ROUGE building
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Actually, I warped you to the Mauville Pokemon Center.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

OoC: Oh... so I'm near you guys? Kinda got lost
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Me: X&&& %%%%%%%%%%
Brandon: &&&& %%%%
Lt. Surge: XX& %%%%%%%%%%
Maylene: &&& %%

Lt. Surge: Raichu go and Use Shock Wave on Houndour!
Me: Bagon use Bite on Meditite!
Brandon: Houndour use Leer on Raichu!
Maylene: Meditite Confusion!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Isa, you control the next two turns, even for me, as I hunt for a Light Ball.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Me: X&&& %%%%%%%
Brandon: X&&& %%%%%%%%%%%
Maylene: X&& %%%%%%%%%%
Lt. Surge: XX& %%%%%%%%

Brandon: Zubat let's go! Use Supersonic on Raichu!
Maylene: Machoke use Rock Tomb on Zubat!
Me: Bagon use Rage!
Lt. Surge: Raichu Quick Attack go!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Never mind, I am not distracted anymore.
Wattson: Aarg! Magneton! Let's go!
Whitney: Serves you right! Go take a bath, Wattson! Miltank, Rollout, now!
Me: Isa, again!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Me:*Wakes up*
"Where am I?"
Nurse Joy: "You're at the Mauvile City Pokemon City. You've been passed out on the couch for such a long time. Your Pokemon are healed, and ready to go."
Me: "Thanks."
*Slowly gets up and walks toward Nurse Joy. Retrieves Pokemon.*
"How did I get here anyway?"
Nurse Joy: "A boy came here with a bunch of people. He placed you on the couch and told me not to wake you up, so you could rest. He seemed like a great friend of yours. I think his name was Joey."
Me: "Um.. yeah, he's a good friend of mine. Thanks for everything."
*Why would Joey save ME. I thought he hated me.*
"Hey, did he tell you how I passed out?"
Nurse Joy: "I don't believe so."
Me: "Aw well. Thanks for the help."
*Leaves building.*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*does what he says, now with more confidence*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*The pokemon rises again, and goes for the Fire Spin Veil*
Wattson: Thunderbolt!
OoC: Up to you, Isa.
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