Finished A New Dawn RPG. The game has just ended! Please leave comments Pokebeach!

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RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Enters the Cafe*
Hey guys. Man am I hungry after travling all that way to Mt. Meteor.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Sits down at a table, waiting for everyone else*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

So how did your trip through the Jagged Pass go?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Pretty good, Tyler.
Waitress: Hello, my name is Sarah, and yes, I am twins with MC Sarah. Here are your menus and I will be back in a few minutes to take your orders.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Man everything looks so good I'm not sure what to eat. Oh wait that reminds me here's the thing I found at Mt. Meteor.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Sits down at table*
"Sorry I'm late. Boy, I'm hungry."
*Looks at menu*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Mm... Lobster... *Pulls out bag of found items* I found these on Jagged Pass, saying I would split with Isa. Here, take 5.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Ahhh that was great. Well I'm off to the Hot Spring so see you guys later.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Orders and eats food*
"I'm gonna walk around town and see what I want to do."
*Leaves and heads towards sand beds*
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*The Hot Spring*
Vivian: Oh there you are. Where were you?
Me: Eating at the Cafe with my other friends. So what did you want to give me.
Vivian: Well I told Prof. Cozmo about that Sneasel you have so he gave me this to give you.
*Hands over the Razor Claw*
Me: A Razor Claw. What's this for?
Vivian: Give to Sneasel and train it during the night. If it levels up it evolves into a Weavile.
Me: Nice. Thanks Vivian.
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

*Seeing that he was alone with Isa, it would be a good time to talk strategy and have her pick 5 items* This lobster is good... So, do you want to pick out items or talk strategy first?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

For ROUGE and the gym. I think we should get Poke' to follow Brandon for ROUGE.
OoC: Someone PM EVERYONE who has not posted lately. 4 people does not equal an RPG!
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Just PM'ed the missing!

"Yes,maybe. Do you think I would be allowed to touch water? I don;t think my hardrive could handle it.."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Do you remember if anything in an instruction booklet or something said something about waterproof?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

"Like as if Cyrus would ever trust me with the manual! I know we're supposed to be fighting Gym Leaders, but ROUGE just keeps getting in our way..."
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

Me: Well I guess I'd better get going. Thanks for the Razor Claw though.
Vivian: No problem and if you need my help just call me.
Me: I will.
Vivian: See ya later.
Me: Yeah see ya.
*Vivian leaves*
Me: Well I'd better go back to the Cafe.
*Watching from a distance*
Jessie: Well what do you know it's that twerp from earlier.
James: The Boss will be pleased if we bring him and his Pokemon.
Meowth: I say we jump him and his friends after their Gym battle.
Jessie and James: Good idea.
*At the Cafe*
Me: Hey guys. So what's our next move? Do we take on the Gym or get some rest for it later?
RE: A New Dawn RPG. Started, NOT taking registrations!

We need two things done at the moment. We need to find out if Isa is waterproof in a safe way and do the gym. What do you think we should do first?
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