Writing A New Day [CYOA] - Chapter 8!

Follow the shadow because Athena will be dead if it reaches her most likely. Either that, or it/she'll kill you.
Follow Athena. Sounds like it'll lead to a good plot.

TDK, would you mind including letters before the options (i.e. A), follow Princess Athena, or B), leave the castle), so we can just put the letter in Bold or something in our post?
Who do you want to be Cynthia's partner in this game? All of these characters have different modifiers to the game that determine your chances of winning. Do you pick:
A. Harrison
B. Elise
C. Tom
D. Mariana
E. Dylan?

Enjoy! Deadline for votes if friday, October 16th!
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I suggest Mariana (D). Well, firstly, she's good at everything, and secondly, let's be more inviting to her. :3
B), so that we can see an rl conflict. I'd like to see something interesting happen.

EDIT: By 'real life', I mean the reality in the story.
Of course not. Standard Athena operating procedure is to avoid talking as much as humanly possibly and certainly never volunteer for anything. :p
Of course not. Standard Athena operating procedure is to avoid talking as much as humanly possibly and certainly never volunteer for anything. :p
Ahh. Would you act like Athena The Princess in the scenario Athena the Princess is in?
OK, thoughts on the chapter before thoughts on voting. :p

I've never played D&D, but I do know a few things. I also think Athena should probably not kill all of Cynthia's friends, especially if Cynthia's the daughter of an all-powerful healer, but I guess as long as she knows what she's doing.

How have none of you commented on the name of the teacher before now? Were you all too gullible to realize anything was wrong? :p

On to thoughts on voting.

Yes, it would be funny to see Elise versus Cynthia, but I wonder whether now is the right time for it. If Elise wins, Cynthia is humiliated. Possibly even so that Mariana and Dylan won't want to talk to her (and I really want Cynthia to get to know both of them as soon as possible). If Elise wins and she gloats about it, that could make Mariana closer to Cynthia, albeit through pity. But Elise doesn't seem like she would gloat, because that would make her look bad in front of Harrison and Tom.

On the other hand, if Cynthia wins, we don't have much of a plot. There would be no real drive for Cynthia to get even with Elise, so there would need to be another conflict, etc.

So I'm going to say no. I'm not voting for Elise.

The other two possibilities, in my opinion, are Dylan and Mariana. Harrison and Tom don't seem...I guess bright enough to be anything other than Elise's lackeys at this point. Dylan or Mariana would be much more interesting.

I think of the two, I want Mariana to develop a friendship with Cynthia more than I want Dylan to right now. Because we know Dylan will be the love interest one way or the other, he doesn't need to form a relationship right now. Mariana, on the other hand, could go either way.

Let's see what happens if Cynthia goes up against D) Mariana.
I guess bright enough to be anything other than Elise's lackeys at this point.
I'm sorry, when did I specify that? :p To be clear, they are not her lackeys. She has other mindless lackeys that I shouldn't need to name. She does, however, want to impress them, as you said. I also feel the need to flesh out Harrison and Tom now, but it depends on the route you guys choose.

How have none of you commented on the name of the teacher before now? Were you all too gullible to realize anything was wrong? :p
I wish I could like your post more than once for this.

I've never played D&D, but I do know a few things. I also think Athena should probably not kill all of Cynthia's friends, especially if Cynthia's the daughter of an all-powerful healer, but I guess as long as she knows what she's doing.
If you're the daughter of an all-powerful healer who is clearly able to revive people from death, is it really that much of a problem that she kills off all of them? Also, there will be D&D chapters interspersed with the main storyline.

Oh, and vote count:
Elise: 2
Mariana: 2
That would depend on Athena's alignment. Is she's anywhere in the good spectrum, she should be adverse to killing, and if she does do so, that would likely cause an alignment swap.

As far as my own actions vis-à-vis the DND subplot, it would depend on the character I'm playing. Staying true to your character's background, alignment, and motivations is more important that doing what the player of the characters wants to do. That is, of course, one of the main parts of a role-playing game.
I sort of skimread the chapter so I didn't really click on the teacher's name, but that's a good one. I like it.
Aw. I was going to vote C: Tom.
But I was called upon to be a tie-breaker. T_T
So I guess I have to go with D: Mariana.