4-4-4 Jumpluff
2-2 Sunflora
2-1 Uxie X
1 Smeargle UD
2 Unown Q
2 Crobat G
3 Collector
4 Bebes
4 Communication
4 Cyrus
3 Judge
3 Palmer's
4 PokeTurn
4 Candy
1 LuxBall
7 Grass
Strategy is to Donk, or just mass attack a lot. If your pluffs die then palmer's plus Sunshine Graces = another Jumpluff. I'm trying to remake this It has a disruption side, w/ 3 Judge's cause when you judge and knock out their main attacker it's hard. With Plume running around 2-2 or more Sunflora's needed. Smeargles ridiculous in this, Grabbing your Cyrus for my energy and my Supporter and a poketurn. Also when you burn a turn on a Crobat that's active you can Portrait for lets say collector and grab a Q and the other things you need like a hoppip.
2-2 Sunflora
2-1 Uxie X
1 Smeargle UD
2 Unown Q
2 Crobat G
3 Collector
4 Bebes
4 Communication
4 Cyrus
3 Judge
3 Palmer's
4 PokeTurn
4 Candy
1 LuxBall
7 Grass
Strategy is to Donk, or just mass attack a lot. If your pluffs die then palmer's plus Sunshine Graces = another Jumpluff. I'm trying to remake this It has a disruption side, w/ 3 Judge's cause when you judge and knock out their main attacker it's hard. With Plume running around 2-2 or more Sunflora's needed. Smeargles ridiculous in this, Grabbing your Cyrus for my energy and my Supporter and a poketurn. Also when you burn a turn on a Crobat that's active you can Portrait for lets say collector and grab a Q and the other things you need like a hoppip.