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Standard A new Zoroark deck


*thumbs up*
Heyo, I'm back from my break from the game, and I've been playtesting this Zoroark-GX deck I came up with.
It's straight Zoroark with Kartana-GX. So, I was playtesting Zoroark for fun at first with Yveltals for old time's sake, then Darkrai-GX a little more seriously, realized how bad that was, then moved on to a variant with Espeon-GX. It was fun, but I wanted to take myself seriously with this deck, because want to know what else is fun? Winning. So I made a deck very similar to the Silvally deck, only, with Zoroarks, and it went kind of okay, but I realized that a good Zoroark list can't be crowded by many different Pokemon, contrary to my initial thought. It needs to have a couple of extra attackers that can be reliable and/ or have a strong purpose for the long run of the game. My conclusion after thinking about what would and wouldn't be good matchups for Zoroark is that I needed ways to deal with high HP Pokemon, Gardy, and Fighting weakness. I also wanted a Pokemon with a strong GX attack that could bring me back the game if I needed it. This is where I found Kartana. It hits Gardy for weakness, can deny it's value in prizes, discard special Energy (primarily DCE and Strong Energy, but the rest are still the same principle), and can straight up win me a game if I've taken five prizes. Here's my list so far:

  • 4 Zorua SHL
  • 3 Zoroark-GX
  • 1 Zoroark BKT
  • 2 Latios SHL
  • 2 Kartana-GX
  • 3 Tapu Lele-GX
  • 1 Sudowoodo

  • 4 N
  • 3 Sycamore
  • 3 Guzma
  • 2 Brigette
  • 1 Mallow
  • 2 Acerola
  • 2 Kukui
  • 1 Reverse Valley
  • 1 Devoured Field
  • 4 Choice Band
  • 3 Float Stone
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Field Blower
  • 1 Rescue Stretcher
  • 1 Counter Catcher
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Special Charge
  • 4 DCE
  • 4 Metal

Latios helps hit higher numbers than Koko while hitting things like Espeon-EX and Buzzwole for weakness. And with 3 Float Stone and BKT Zoro, retreat cost really doesn't matter. The only things I would consider adding here are Oranguru for late game N's, which probably won't matter when you can discard, draw 2, discard one of those, and draw 2 more. Or Sudowoodo GRI for other Zoroarks and anything Brigette reliant. I like Kukui, because in emergencies, I can slap for 180, which is too good to pass up. Lusamine is a card that I realized isn't nearly as good as we hoped, but I was right about it making 1-of supporters viable. And because Trade in itself is super strong draw power, you can afford to play it when you have it. I genuinely think that if this list gets some polishing, it can at least compete with the meta.
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Interesting deck. I won’t try to change the Pokémon but I think you could easily go to 3 or 4 Metal and add a 4th Sycamore or if you drop 2 Metal Energy another Field Blower.
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ok I would drop both mallow for Hammers for sure. I play a Lapras GX deck and I had two mallows in that deck and once I removed I never missed them maybe because it always seemed likely that I would get N the next turn from my opponent. Maybe drop the lusamine, acerola or counter catcher for a special charge to recycle your DCE.
Interesting deck. I won’t try to change the Pokémon but I think you could easily go to 3 or 4 Metal and add a 4th Sycamore or if you drop 2 Metal Energy another Field Blower.
Zoroark discards enough cards that I don't need the 4th Sycamore. I went 5 Metal because there are hands where I need to attach Metal because I either don't have the DCE, or don't want to. And more importantly, I had a shit ton of extra space after putting in all the stuff for the skeleton.
ok I would drop both mallow for Hammers for sure. I play a Lapras GX deck and I had two mallows in that deck and once I removed I never missed them maybe because it always seemed likely that I would get N the next turn from my opponent. Maybe drop the lusamine, acerola or counter catcher for a special charge to recycle your DCE.
Yeah, but with Trade, I immediately draw the 2 cards I put there. And because of the excess draw power of multiple Zoroarks, Mallow is the equivalent of Computer Search. I absolutely hate Mallow, but it's the same principle as playing 2 in Mega Ray last season, being it works really well in conjunction with cards already in the deck. I also have 2 Kartana-GX, which do the exact same thing as Hammer, except it takes up bench space, which is something Zoroark abuses. Special Charge is something I might add, probably dropping a Metal for it, then swapping a Rescue Stretcher for a Super Rod.
It's cool. Kartana needs some way to OHKO Gardevoir, though.
Break Through+Banded Gale Blade=230
Hi gumball51321,

In general I do like the deck. At the moment the Pokémon line remindes me a little of some Silvally GX variants.Not sure if Lusamine is needed that much. I would rather run another Metal over it. Personally I prefer a psychic version of Zoroark GX that snipes the bench and manipulates damage counters. Teching in a small Alolan Muk line into that deck is not that hard and it seems to be a little more offensive than the current build. I do like Kukui in this deck. In my own variant I even run three of them. To me Zoroark GX variants are among the decks that benefit a lot from damage boosts and Zoroark Gx also compensates the the reduced draw power coming with Kukui.