DPPt/HGSS Abelle26's Player Thread (Lots of Turtwig!)


Aspiring Trainer
Welcome to Abelle26's player thread!


My Friend Code: 2535 0117 4133
Gmail: [email protected]
Contact Time: After 4:00pm, I check my email often.


POKEMON FOR TRADE====================
  • Turtwig/Piplup lv. 1 (mostly males, I'm trying to get some females)
  • Purugly/Glameow
  • Charmander/Bulbasaur/Squirtle(soon)

POKEMON I WANT=======================
  • Vulpix
  • Chimchar
  • Phione

I would like to have females of all the starters, or a Ditto so that I can breed my male Empoleon. I would also like either a female chimchar, or a ditto as I have a friend with a male Infernape.
RE: Abelle26's Player Thread

I've got a Drifblim, have you got any Diamond exclusives or other starters?
RE: Abelle26's Player Thread

Yeah, I'd like a female of all the starters too.
I have a ditto, and I tried breeding it with my male empoleon, but I learned it just gives you a male piplup.
RE: Abelle26's Player Thread

Did you breed a whole bunch of them? I've got almost 20 Turtwig now and only one of them is female so far. It could just be programmed to be evil like that :p
Yeah, I tried a bunch, and it always came out male. Oh, hey, I bet if you put your female turtwig with a ditto, it'd come out with a bunch of female ones.
no, Its just that the chance of a starter being female is 15% of ouf 100! I have a female one to prove it!
also can I have a turtwig? I'll trade a skuntank for one!
Lol, yeah, I was about to just post an update to that. I bred a male charizard with a ditto, and I got a female Charmander! ^_^

I'll keep doing that with the DP starters, I'll let you know when I get one, we can trade!
Artic_Thunder: Sure, when is good for you?
catling: I haven't got a Ditto yet :( I'll keep breeding Turtwigs and just hope to get lucky I guess.
Yup, I meant, when I get female starters, I'll trade them to you, Abelle! If you still want them, that is.