Absol G LV.X from Supreme Victors (#141) [7/22]


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Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

Posts MUST be several sentences long with proper grammar and spelling or they will be deleted - this forum is to discuss specific cards so other people can learn about their potential in the current metagame.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
This Card is underplayed IMO and I think it may see more play this coming up season.
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
None at the moment.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
With the Lost Zone set coming out I see this card probably being played with Gengar Prime, Palkia G Lv x, and The Lost World.
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
I give the card a 4/5
5. How's the artwork?
The artwork on this is card is amazing!
1. it has potential from what I have seen in a few decks in my area. they have it mixed with sabelock and that seems to be working fairly well against other SP match ups and such.

2. none that are popular right now but I think it could increase in popularity when the new lost zone set is released in america.

3. well it works ok with sabelock from what ive seen, but i dont have any experience with it really.

4. 4/5 by my standards. it can be a very good card if its played properly.

5. I like the artwork a lot =)

EDIT: ninja'd
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

1.This is a good card on its own has pretty good potential with 1 darkness and a gain can do 60 for a quick donk or you can turn it and mill them into the lost zone.

2/3. No Metagame decks yet but IF lost link comes out I think it will be played a lot more. There is great opportunity there with killing the top 3 cards of there deck and possibly rearranging to make sure there are pokemon on top with chatot g.

4. I give it a 4.5/5 because it has great potential depending on the cards it is paired with.

5. Pretty cool artwork with the claw sticking out and that background is just plain awesomeness. ^^
This card can stand well on its own about as good as luxray gl x as well\

What is meta game

It works well with chatot g it could work will with palkia g x and lost world

4/5 its a great card i play it in my deck and it does good

I like the art work
i think absol lvl x is a fine card but i wanted to post to clarify that it does NOT combo well with chatot g. chatot g's has a one-shot, put into play, poke-power. to re-use chatot g means using a poke-turn or ssu - cards which are far better used on absol lvl x directly and just taking your chances as to what your opponent has on the top of his/her deck. besides, if you miss your three flips with chatot g/absol lvl x that would mean you just probably set your opponent up with his/her next top deck.
absol lvl x will definitely see some use with the lost link set, if just as a nasty tech.
1. Its a decent card. 60 damage for one energy is nice.
2. Megagame. yah right.
3. Something some people might not have thought of: Gyarados. It gives you a fast attacker that also discards karps.
4. 3 out of 5. Low HP and low damage limit it.
5. How's the artwork?
Man o man I was waiting for this card to come up :)
1. I find it very good, it definitaly has potiential next season :)
2. I use it in my own deck, Garsol, it works fairly well.
3. Chatot G does not do good as you would think, mainly with Garchomp C is what it is good with now, next season probably Palkia X,Lost World,etc.
4. 4/5, very disruptive and good because it can also use its regular forms attacks
5. 5/5, EPIC! Looks like it will send YOU to the Lost Zone.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
It has very unique artwork and attacks,but I don't play competively so I do not know if it would be worth be played.
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
I do not know,cause I only collect the cards,I don't play competively.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
I do not know,cause I only collect the cards,I don't play competively.
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5/5. it looks very nice,it has cool sounding attacks and it seems like its a good card.
5. How's the artwork?
Very,Very Nice.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
- On its own, its only ok. Just like most other SP pokemon. x2 weakness and limited attack options. etc.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
-Sablelock is where its used from what I've seen.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
-same as last question. Palkia lock COULD use it I suppose.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
-I rate it 4/5. Its an SP pokemon that had been severely overlooked do its flippy power. However, its becoming popular and is still a decent card. Darkness slugger is ok.

5. How's the artwork?
The artwork is good, but its face is kinda odd.... 3/5
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
I played this card earlier this year around the time of BR. I love it. It's great for disruption and will probably see more play next year.
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
None yet. But so help me, it will be.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
It's power is pretty nice, but you'd have to poketurn it. Darkness Slugger is always good with an energy gain.
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
I give it a 4/5. Good attacker and great disruptive power.
5. How's the artwork?
I love it. Who doesn't love an awesome Absol piece?
1. I think's it okay. Not the best card in the format, but it is pretty good. It is very similar to Luxray GL Lv.X, with the exception of bright look. Overall, a nifty card.
2. It's a pretty solitary card. But with other Lost Zone cards, it can combo. The only other combo is see is with Darkness Slugger and discarding stuff, like Gyarados.
3. Maybe some SP rogue decks, but nothing else.
4. 4/5. I think it's got big potential, but Luxray outclasses it for now. Maybe next year.
5. 4/5. Nothing really special, just an Absol. The background is neat.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
-I think the card stand out fantastically on it's own, the power can devastate your opponent if it does get something crucial.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
-I have went against some Sablelock decks on Redshark otherwise it would work great in a milling deck of the same nature.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
-Obvious ones are Poketurn and Chatot G
Luxray X and Doom News can be used to stall or KO stuff with high retreat (as unown G will be out of the picture)

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
-I feel it can be used very successfully once the new format dawns upon us as Claydol & Unown G will be gone which held back this card. For now though i'll give it 3.5/5

5. How's the artwork?
-I actually don't see anything very dynamic about it, he looks like he is made out of plastic 2.5/5
1) I feel this card has great potential when paired with the right cards, though it could stand by itself for sometime if needed.

2) It hasn't seen too much use in today's current metagame, but with Lost Link coming with Lost World, watch out.

3) In unlimited deck making, Darkrai Lv. X can give it big boosts with enough energies. Add an Expert Belt with the boost, and that gives you 80 base. Not that shabby for 2 energies. Using its non-leveled forms attacks, it can snipe 20 and with cards that prevent retreating (don't know if such exist for bench use) can auto kill.

4) I give it 4/5. I would give it 5 due to Absol being one of my favorite Pokemon, but it could be better and, even with an EBelt, it is one-shotted by Donphan Prime Earthquake (which I think is getting lots of use and will only get more).

5) Absolutely beautiful artwork. I tried making it my backround, but failed miserably. Out of a possible 10, I give it 15.
1.) It's going to get popular. I dunno if it's good on its own, but when Lost World comes out, it definitely will see play. Absol G, its predecessor, isn't bad itself. Doom News is OK, but Feint Attack is great with a 20-damage snipe on T1. Darkness Slugger isn't very good though, just doing 60 damage for two Energy. Saying that, add the Special Darkness Energy, throw an Energy Gain on that bad boy, and all you need to do is discard one card for 70. That's solid.

2.) None. Absol hasn't seen anything yet.

3.) Wow. Lost World is gonna make this popular again. Don't forget the fact that you combine Absol with Honchkrow G if you wanna go down the sniping route after you've done enough damage, and that Garchomp C LV.X heals your damaged Absol. The whole Cyrus Engine is a gift for Absol. You can even tech Absol in Gengar Prime if you wanted to, just for Darkness Send. It's flippy, but could be worth it.

4.) As of now, it's not good. 1.5/5.

5.) Amazing. It's fierce-looking.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played? I've never palyed with it so I don't know. i only have just the Absol G (#1 Surpreme Victors)
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in? None that I know of.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so? Maybe dark-fighting.
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork? Cool.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
)> Its a pretty decent card. Not one of the best, but it all depends on how you intend to use it. I use it simply for disruption and a quick attacker.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
)> Ive been playing for a few years now, and quite honestly I still dont understand the term "metagame". I guess it means popular decks. And if thats the case, then I havent really seen it played hardly at all. In fact, for the people I normally play with, I think Im the only one using it....

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
)> It can really go with a lot of different things, it just all depends on how you intend to use it. I use it in my Distrupkrow deck. Teaming it up with other disruptors (such as the basic Absol from SW) as well as the "Riot" Honchkrow from the same SV set. I use Absol Lv X as a disruptor and quick attacker while I power up my Honchkrow.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
)> I give it about a 4 out of 5. Its got a lot of different benefits depending on how you team it up with others.

5. How's the artwork?
)> The artwork is pretty good, especially the background, but it could have been better.
dmaster said:

Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?
1.) I think that this card can only stand on its own as a blitz card. It has very good potential to be card that quickly and efficiently wipes out your opponent. It has little use in any other way for a deck. If you have strong cards to switch with Absol G Lv.X, trhen it's definitely worth being played!
2.)I don't know...
3.)I think a good combination would be with Luxray GL Lv.X, because they both have cheap attcks, and even cheaper retreat costs, so they can be used efficiently to strengthen one-another.
4.)3/5. Again, it's great as a quick-end card, but it's still just a one-time-use card. I personally prefer cards that can last for a very long game.
5.)4.5/5. Love the artwork! I am glad the picture of an ultra rare isn't focused on it's face. I like to see artwork of pokemon in action, and this picture is just that!!
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or has potential? Is it worth playing?

Well, this card can be good on its own. Its Poke-power, Darkness Send, has the potential to bring up to three cards from the top of your opponent's deck to the Lost Zone based on how many heads they can get in three coin flips. Now since anything that goes into the Lost Zone can't be recovered, Darkness Send can certainly be annoying when it comes out. It also has a nice fast attack. It can do 30, but if you discard a card from your hand, you do 60. If you can put a special {D} onto Absol, you can potentially be hitting for 70 for one (assuming that there' an Energy Gain attached to it). Thus, I would say that Absol can potentially be good on its own, and can somewhat be worth playing.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?

Well, there aren't any popular metagame decks using Absol G Lv.X right now; however, if Absol G were to be popular, I have the feeling it would be paired up with another fast SP Pokemon, like Garchomp C or Luxray GL. Absol could make a good combo with either of those because like Garchomp or Luxray, it can attack for high damage for low energy.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

Even the though the SP combo could work, I would mainly try cards that can take advantage of Absol G's Poke-power. Primarily, these cards, in my opinion, would be either Chatot G or Slowking HS. Both can pretty much control the opponent's top decks, which is the reason why they are often used, but here, they are used in a different matter. With Chatot G, I can look at the top 4 cards of the opponent's deck and rearrange them in any order when I play Chatot G onto the bench. Being SP, this means that like Absol G, it can abuse PokeTurns pretty nicely, especially when they can be used to Chatot's power going. Slowking can be good too because like Chatot G, it looks at the top cards of the opponent's deck and rearranges them in any order, in this case, the top 3. Slowking can take advantage of the fact it can use the Poke-power every turn easily without a PokeTurn. Thus, because of their Poke-powers, they can help arrange the top cards of your opponent's deck in a way that can make Darkness Send a very disruptive Poke-power, primarily arranging all of the opponent's most useful cards. Indeed, Chatot and Slowking can be great with Absol in my opinion.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you would give it that rating.

I would give Absol G Lv.X a 3.5/5. Absol G is certainly a decent SP. It has a very annoying Poke-power that, if played right, can potentially cause huge disruption on the opponent, especially since the power involves using the Lost Zone. It's also a fast attacker, as it can potentially be doing 70 for one if there's an Energy Gain on it. Plus, its typing can make it hit through Gengars with weakness, and the psychic resistance is great against decks like Plox or Cursegar. Of course, problems arise with this card. Fighting weakness hurts, especially against Donphan or Toxicroak G Promo. It is also largely outclassed by Garchomp C or Luxray GL, which both are considered to be faster attackers than it. Still, I think Absol G can be good nevertheless.

5. How's the artwork?

I find the artwork to look pretty cool. Absol really does show some fearsome action here, especially since it is literally jumping out of the card.