Acronyms and Terms for Newcomers

Ok, I have a question about an abbreviation... and I am a n00b who's never played the TCG outside of just friends and family. I am trying to rebuild a deck after 8 years of being out of the loop and I wanted to post my deck whenever I get it tweaked...

So what does DP-on and HP-on mean? I think I have some ideas as to what they do mean, but I would like clarification. If this question is answered elsewhere then I am sorry, but I've looked around and couldn't find the answer. ^^;
DP-on means Diamond and Pearl through whatever is the latest set in this case Supreme Victors.
HP-on means Holon Phantom through whatever is the latest set in this case again Supreme Victors.
eevee said:
DP-on means Diamond and Pearl through whatever is the latest set in this case Supreme Victors.
HP-on means Holon Phantom through whatever is the latest set in this case again Supreme Victors.

Ok, I thought it was something like that. I just hadn't realized what the HP stood for mainly. Thanks!

A possible addition might be 'SP', as in 'SP Deck'.
The reason I mention it is that I'm a rather confused dad trying to help his 8 year old son in getting to grips with the TCG and I've had to look it up after seeing frequent references to it.

Also 'POP'
Well we have had quite a few suggestions but not too many that I think are hugely important. POP is a must, as well as PUSA I guess. However SP is a bit more self-explanatory seeing as how there are actual references to SP on the cards, as well as SP being directly on the card.

Limited: Playing in the current format that all tournaments occur in the current season of POP.

Isn't this for pre-release? I believe Modified is the appropriate terminology.