Action Replay Question

42 chocolate

I'm getting an AR soon, and I wanted to know:
If I use my AR for all of my games but Pearl/Platinum, will I still be able to enter an official Nintendo Pokemon Tournament without my DS being classified as "hacked"?
You could still enter them, since the game is still legit. There are also some things you can do with AR, and satill be aloud to enter.
Are you trying to ask whether or not they can detect hacks if you trade with a hacked game card?

Edit: I think I am understanding a bit better. As long as you don't touch a Pokemon game with it you should be fine.
Make sure you read WPM's rules on using AR. As long as you don't hack Pokemon you will be fine. You will be able to clone. Just don't clone hacked Pokemon.:)
LegendaryRockMaster said:
You mean caught through none story events and speacial conditions right?
Um...huh. Sorta., see here. Cheating is the use of a device such as Game Shark or Action Replay, which allows you to do things in the game that you couldn't normally.
penny power said:
Pokemon that were cheated for. They are EVIL.


Basically, the AR rule works like this: [quick summary]

It's legal, if you can do it in that specific game with just your Game and DS. So like, if you use the EV training cheat [I believe] It would still be legal, becuase you can EV train your Pokémon with just your DS and your game. It would be illegal, if you give your Pokémon more than 255 EV's in any stat, becuse you CAN'T do that with just your DS and game. ;)
The Power of Three said:

Basically, the AR rule works like this: [quick summary]

It's legal, if you can do it in that specific game with just your Game and DS. So like, if you use the EV training cheat [I believe] It would still be legal, becuase you can EV train your Pokémon with just your DS and your game. It would be illegal, if you give your Pokémon more than 255 EV's in any stat, becuse you CAN'T do that with just your DS and game. ;)
Whoa. I don't EV train alot so that isn't a problem.
If you put in the code that lets you catch a Darkrai anywhere that is hacking too.:)
LegendaryRockMaster said:
Dang. Most of the pokemon I have I caught where ever I felt like. Dose that mean thay are all hacked?

Yes. That is the title given to Pokemon obtained in that way.
Yes because you used the code to do it. If you use a code on AR to hack a Pokemon ANYWHERE. They are hacked.:)
I didn't know a bunch of pixels had feelings, and could determine right and wrong, and be "evil".

There's nothing wrong with creating a 'hacked' team and entering them into tournaments. I do it at official Nintendo tournaments all the time. Just make the stats realistic and you'll be fine. I.E. 31 in one or two of the needed IV's, then 30 in the rest. It saves all the time of breeding and EV training just to get the same result.

Don't listen to all the people who say "zomg hacken is rong n it is evil n omg". They don't know what they are on about.
Don't hack unless you have multiple DSes. Usually, when an AR breaks, it breaks your DS or at least the games it was used on along with it. Just don't hack.
cool kid master555 said:
Don't hack unless you have multiple DSes. Usually, when an AR breaks, it breaks your DS or at least the games it was used on along with it. Just don't hack.

You honestly have no clue, do you?

Here's a tip for anyone who wants to protest against cheating devices in the future; learn how they actually work.