Wi-Fi Trades Adamant Jirachi's Wish List -- [[My Player Thread]]

RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread

Sure Cyber End Dragin X, what kind of deal did you have in mind??

LEt Me KNow k xD

RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread

umm..... what shiny pokemon do you have? i WILL trade manaphy for a raikou, entei, or suicune.
RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread

So do i have this right..

You will trade me YOUR manaphy for either my Entei, Raikou, or Suicune?

Or will you trade me an Entei, Raikou or Suicune for my Manaphy???

Let Me Know to clarrify this Thanks :D
RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread

ok this is how it goes:

I will trade you MY manaphy for you raikou, entei, or suicune.

i like raikou the best. then entei, and finally suicune.
RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread

Sure thing Cyber End Dragon X!

I will glady trade you Raikou if you like , or you can pick from from either of the other two Entei or Suicune? For your manaphy. I do not have the game as of yet, but am getting it soon. I will PM you when i am able to trade with you ok?

If you think otherwise please let me know, and i will put you down on my trade list as a confirmed trade thanks

Adamant Jirachi....
RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread ( After NON- Hacked ARCEUS!!!

Thanks so much Cyber End Dragon X,

Also i have updated once again so please read my player thread and if interested in anything let me know thanks

Adamant Jirachi....


RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread ( After NON- Hacked ARCEUS!!!

i would like a jirachi, check out my thread, see if there's anything your intrested in
RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread ( After NON- Hacked ARCEUS!!!

Um i had a look at your thread eevee_master, and i am interested in either you Manaphy, or Legendary birds.

Let Me Know What You Think,

Adamant Jirachi....
RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread ( After NON- Hacked ARCEUS!!!

i can trade all my legendary birds, but not manaphy, that's already being traded, unless you can wait a long,long time so i can go through ranger again and get manaphy again.
RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread ( After NON- Hacked ARCEUS!!!

eevee_master, when you say all of your legendary birds, Do you mean you are willing to trade me all of your Legendary birds for Jirachi? or you are willing to trade any of your legendary birds for Jirachi? Please clarrify which you mean thanks heaps :D

Adamant Jirachi....

And Certainly this trade can be arranged :D
RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread ( After NON- Hacked ARCEUS!!!

well, would you if you won't take just one, i'll give you all three, but i want to keep zapdos, so your choice between articuno and moltres, in dp moltres learns sunny day + solar beam, but articuno can pull mind reader +sheer cold, on lv. 100
possibly the best combo thought of, besides the double battle OHKO-fest strategy i thought of
RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread ( After NON- Hacked ARCEUS!!!

Hey Adamant Jirachi!

I have 4 countem 4 Raikou I would trade for a Celebi and a Jirachi ;) So If you want 'em then tell me how to trade 'em!


P.S. I can get you just about any pokemon from Pokemon Diamond so just check out my thread!
RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread ( After NON- Hacked ARCEUS!!!

eevee_master, i am willing to trade for your Moltres, but i am also really wanting your Zapdos as well.. could you possibly clone it?? Please let me know and i will certainly trade you. Please reply and clarrify whether you will trade me Moltres, and Zapdos, thanks,,,

And as for you Gallade2512, I would very much appreciate a Raikou from you. I will certainly trade you a Jirachi for it. Although you have 4, i am only in need of one thanks anyway though xD
Please let me know, so we can confirm this trade. Thanks to both, eevee_master, and Gallade2512

Adamant Jirachi....
RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread ( After NON- Hacked ARCEUS!!!


Adamant Jirachi....
RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread ( After NON- Hacked ARCEUS!!!

Adamant Jirachi~ Thanks. Oh I wish I had read your response sooner, but I'm kinda trying to still works out all the mechanics. Anyway, my DS doesn't have enough battery life for more than 30 seconds.(it just died on me) Could you possibly hold onto that for me until tomorrow around say 5:00 US Mountain Time? If you would that would be absolutely perfect. Thanks!

RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread ( After NON- Hacked ARCEUS!!!

Adamant Jirachi
Sorry to bug you so much but if we're going to go ahead and do this when per say does it take place? (Read previous reply)

RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread ( After NON- Hacked ARCEUS!!!

Gallade2512 all i can say is... RELAX!! hehe don't stress for i dont even have DIAMOND YET! i get it on June 21st i will PM you when i can trade ok;) Relax mate k Let Me Know How You feel about this Ok? Thanks xD Oh and what level is your Raikou? and what are its stats???

Adamant Jirachi....
RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread ( !!!BERRIES PLEASE!!! )

Level 54 and has original stats but i'll train him if you want.
RE: Adamant Jirachi's Player Thread ( !!!BERRIES PLEASE!!! )

Well my Jirachi is level 90. It's up to you. Train him a little. but just up to whatever level you think is fair :)

Thanks ok you are now down as a confirmed trade xD

Admant Jirachi....