Finished Add-on Sentence Game !

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danced in the game because Luke accidentally switched Pikachu from attack mode to dance mode, Darth Vader got really angry so he called
Dawn for a romantic dinner and dance, which she accepted happily (anything to get away from Dawnfanboy), and went to, and liked it, but...
I kill Darth Vader and marry Dawn (TAKE THAT!)

END Sentence!

New Sentence!
A couple of kids where baseball when
Darth Vader comes to life, and ignored the kids, rescued Dawn from Dawnfanboy, and ran away to my domain, which has anti-Dawnfanboy spells, where they lived happily ever after in a little cottage at the edge of...
every weapon known to man, Lord Ombra then vanishes never to return in this sentence

(Sorry LO, your post has been ignored)
nothing, since Lord Ombra is immortal, and can dematerialize by will, and Lord Ombra tortured mojoshow10 with...
nothing, becuase mojoshow wore anti-Lord Ombra

(sorry mojoshow, I have to ignore your post...*stupid computer*)
torture jackets, which made Lord Ombra kill mojoshow10 outright, instead of very slowly...
or so they thought, but he didn't, since you spelled obliterate wrong all this time, so...
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