Finished Add-on Sentence Game !

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a Ho-oh which he was not ready for and almost got killed but he rememebered he had a Blatoise on his side so he killed the Ho-Oh which came back to life as another Mush Monster so there were two one in Canada and one in Mexico...
Please don't make that long of an addition next time

then Mr. T fought the Mexican Mush Monster alongside Sylvester Stallone and the Kool-Aid Man when
a Egg which then hatched into a new mush monster and went to go find the mush monster in Mexico to help train him...
Then God sprayed Mush Monster Repel on the whole world and God killed every Mush Monster and Every egg and...
run in a circle 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 times (don't bother counting unless you really want to because there are 100 zeros) but on his 100 one he...
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