Aerodactyl (DE # 53) {4/27/12}

Vulpix Yolk

\ \ durant gang \ \
Card of the Day: Aerodactyl​
So let's look at Aerodactyl. 90hp is low for how big Aerodactyl looms in my memory of the game but decent for a Restored/non EX basic. Grass weakness is decent, no resistance is disappointing and a retreat cost of one is nice. A mere 40 damage for three energy is sad.

So let's jump to the reason why we rather like this card. The ability Ancient Scream acts as a permanent pluspower while the Pokemon is in play and the possibility of multiple of these on the bench to enhance some big attacker is very tempting. Its low HP makes it Catcher bait but also makes it searchable by Level Ball so the possibility of getting them out quickly could mitigate them being targeted for destruction. 7/10 for a very intriguing tech combo with Twist Mountain.
Actual card:
Scanning over this card makes you think it's useless, but then you look at the partners, it's pretty much a Plus Power except a pokemon, this looks great, but the attack is useless, 3 colorless for 50 is dissapointing (after Ancient Scream), but then with this OHKOs are so much easier, with a Plus Power you hit for 20 more, and then Junk Arms, and multiple Aerodactyl, your opponent will be screaming hax :p.
The HP is a low 90 but you can be searched with Level Ball, but, being OHKOd by a Land Crush from Terrakion is annoying, but with Trainer Lock you have a forever lasting Plus Power, this card is very good, one of the best rares in the format, being teched with Twist Mountain is hard to stop, you don't need the silly Ancient Amber Aerodactyl card, and you can just go nuts.

I like the art, it is simple yet not too simple, the art style is one of my favourites,
*sings* Won, me, victories, at the Preereleeeeasse~ !

But seriously, stupid fanfare aside, I really love this card. It turns 3 HKO's into 2 HKO's, and sometimes 2 HKO's into 1 HKO's. Thank goodness we got Twist Mountain in the same set to get around that ugly Restored Mechanic. I haven't found much room for Pluspower in my Donchamp deck atm, so I'll be using Aerodactyl for sure, once I get more of them and Twist Mountain! Yaaahooo!
You don't have room for PlusPower but you have room for Aerodactyl? :p

Anyway, with Twist Mountain this card is surely the best Restored Pokemon in the game. Its Ability is the best of the three and in case it needs to, it always does 50 for 3 Colorless which isn't the best, but is fairly fast to charge. Overall, if Restored Pokemon keep improving like this then maybe we can make a case for their viability.
DecaDang said:
You don't have room for PlusPower but you have room for Aerodactyl? :p

Anyway, with Twist Mountain this card is surely the best Restored Pokemon in the game. Its Ability is the best of the three and in case it needs to, it always does 50 for 3 Colorless which isn't the best, but is fairly fast to charge. Overall, if Restored Pokemon keep improving like this then maybe we can make a case for their viability.

Hahaha... <.==.< . Aerdactyl's a bit better since he's a permanent Pluspower as long as he's on the field, so yeah, I'd be willing to try and make room for him and Twist Mountain
I really like this card. To be able to have a permanent pluspower is more than a fair trade. This card is searchable via Level Ball but what really puts me off is how low it's HP is. 90 HP in a format where big basic EXs are dominating the field guarantees this can't last long for more than a few turns, with Catcher as a big threat. Combining this with Vileplume helps clear out all those nasty Catchers while slowing down your opponent when Vileplume is out. Putting Aerodactyl in a fast, hard-hitting deck is a big no-no as this can slow down your set-up, a huge disadvantage he has.