I agree with what a lot of people have been saying, but seriously, when you 40 and you are married with 2 kids, you need ato have a life that doesn't revolve around pokemon.
I love pokemon to the end of the world, but I'm not an adult. I won't reveal my age, but I'm not even a teen yet. I'm sure my interest in pokemon will have withered by the time I'm 21.
You shouldn't be ashamed if you like pokemon, but just sensible about it. If your adult life revolves around a kids card game, there may be a problem.
Don't get me worng, pokemon is amazing. I haven't yet spent $100 on it in one go, but I've walked into a shop and bouhgt a booster box. ( it was only like 30 quid, the shop was closing down and had to sell all stocks, a week earlier it was about 70.) I'm proud to love pokemon, and its a fun thing to be envolved in, but when I'm 40, my hard earned wages wont be spent on cards for me, amybe my kids, Idon't know if pokemon will still be around or if they will have an interest.
See, pokemon doesn't have an age limit, but you have to draw a line somewhere. I mean, my dad doens't play pokemon unless i nag and nag him to play wiht me. But parent's should have more to life than a crad game and a ds game. You have to have a life.
So, my point finalised is that there is no real age limit, but don't go crazy. I would say if your 18 and still involved then maybe you should think about prioratizing more.
The only way you could argue wiht this is if your job is working for nintendo or pusa or something. Then you could have an envolvment with pokemon.