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Bruno Benetti

Aspiring Trainer
4 Sableye (DEX)
2 Darkrai Ex (DEX)
4 Aron (DRX)
4 Lairon (DRX)
3 Aggron (DXR)


4 Juniper
2 Cheren
4 N
2 Skyla

3 Devolution Spray
1 Tool Scrapper
2 Escape Rope
4 Crushing Hammer
1 Super Rod
1 Life Dew
2 Level Ball
2 Ultra Ball
2 Heavy Ball
3 Enhanced Hammer
2 Max Potion

8 Darkness

The strategy is pretty simple, start with sableye and go for the mill. Darkrai is here to give the retreat in case of a aggron catchered or a damaged sableye. Max potions are to Darkrai or Aggron if they need to be actives. Life Dew gives me one more turn to achieve the mill. I have no catchers because it is very expensive where I live and this month will not be possible to buy them. Any suggestions and what should I change to add the catchers are aprecciated as well as the ammount of catchers needed.
Aggron from DRX? or plasma Blast? If its PLB Aggron then,you will need Mr. Mime so that the Earth Wave attack affect wont happen to you as well. K :)
It was Aggron from DRX, I thought it was the only one. I haven't seen yet this from plasma blast, could you tell me what he does?
Aggron – Metal – HP140
Stage 2 – Evolves from Lairon

[M][C] Knock Back: 50 damage. Your opponent switches the Defending Pokemon with 1 of his or her Benched Pokemon.
[M][M][C][C] Earth Aura: 80 damage. This attack does 20 damage to all Benched Pokemon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance when damaging the Bench.)

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 4
(It kinda sucks in mine opinion)
Bruno Benetti said:
Any suggestion on how to improve my deck list?

Well,it may Clog your deck but,take out Darkness pokemon and replace them with Dusknoir and Mr Mime.

strategy~ After Aggron PLB attacks with Earth Wave,use Dusknoir and move to stack the damage points onto there attackers(or lesser HP pokemon). Mr. Mime benched should stop the affect happening to your benched pokemon.You should take a look at Plasma blast as well to see the new Items that might help you out. http://pokebeach.com/2013/03/bw9-megalo-cannon
(BTW it is not Aggron PLB)
This will help consistency.
-1 Random Receiver (it is this or Colress)
-2 Rescue Scarf (Ok but there are better stuff)
-1 Lairon (need room)
-1 Level Ball (you have enough search)
-1 Cheren (there are better Supporters)
-1 Darkrai EX (1 is enought for Retreating)
+2 Skyla (Getting those Hammers/Devolution Spray etc.)
+1 Devolution Spray (Milling)
+1 Colress (you could take this out for a Random Receiver)
+1 Professor Juniper (best supporter in the game)
+1 Enhanced Hammer (TDK and DCE)
+1 Escape Rope (If you can get a Pokemon Catcher then Replace them)
DeckMaster said:
(BTW it is not Aggron PLB)
This will help consistency.
-1 Random Receiver (it is this or Colress)
-2 Rescue Scarf (Ok but there are better stuff)
-1 Lairon (need room)
-1 Level Ball (you have enough search)
-1 Cheren (there are better Supporters)
-1 Darkrai EX (1 is enought for Retreating)
+2 Skyla (Getting those Hammers/Devolution Spray etc.)
+1 Devolution Spray (Milling)
+1 Colress (you could take this out for a Random Receiver)
+1 Professor Juniper (best supporter in the game)
+1 Enhanced Hammer (TDK and DCE)
+1 Escape Rope (If you can get a Pokemon Catcher then Replace them)

-1 rendom receiver ok
-1 level ball ok
- 1 cheren ok
-2 rescue scarf ok

the problems with getting out 1 lairon and 1 darkrai is when they are prized. I am assuming here that I'll not kill a single pokemon, so if they are prized the strategy is ruinned, what do you think?
I'll add
1 Colress
1 Juniper
1 Skyla
1 Enhanced
1 Escape rope

the devolutions spray i hope to get back with junk hunt!
What about SSU here?
Thanks King Arceus.

It Could help with Sabeleye but I feel like pokemon are going to OHKO Sableye anyway.
And if you decide to take away Lairon which I think you should then. add a Shadow Triad And take away Colress for another Skyla.
But the rest is playtesting seeing what cards fit and fit better.
(Shadow Triad = Get back Life Dew)
I was actually thinking in use the SSU at darkrai or aggron if they are catchered / heavy damaged
If someone hits 90 or more an Aggron i won't be able to use the devolution spray.
Maybe i'm crazy but what about adding Hypnotoxic lasers and viribank here?
Bruno Benetti said:
I was actually thinking in use the SSU at darkrai or aggron if they are catchered / heavy damaged
If someone hits 90 or more an Aggron i won't be able to use the devolution spray.
Maybe i'm crazy but what about adding Hypnotoxic lasers and viribank here?
There is really just not enough room and. It is not as important as all the other cards in deck
Bruno Benetti said:
I was actually thinking in use the SSU at darkrai or aggron if they are catchered / heavy damaged
If someone hits 90 or more an Aggron i won't be able to use the devolution spray.
Maybe i'm crazy but what about adding Hypnotoxic lasers and viribank here?

If your Aggron is hit, you Max Potion it asap. This list should have at least three of them.
Also if you find yourself actually attacking with Darkrai sometimes then yeah, LaserBank is worth it. If not, then leave it out because this deck isn't meant to make any damage output.
just testing this list I've felt that plasma decks and darkrai are just too fast for it. The thing is that maybe HTL could give some help with it and take a prizer or two is always good!
I think you'd actually be ruining consistency if you fit in Laserbank. Your strategy is to deck them out, not win by taking all your prizes. Also, when you get Catchers, replace your 2 Escape Rope with them. This way you can force a high retreat Pokemon to be active.
I've made this Aggron/Hammers deck before and when Plasma Freeze came out I made use of Float Stone. I took out the Darkrai EX's in my deck and replaced it with Keldeo EX along with Float Stone. This helps when your active Pokemon has a special condition.
-2 Dark Energy
-2 Darkrai EX
+2 Keldeo EX
+2 Float Stone
You won't need that much energy to retreat anymore, you only need energy to Junk Hunt. I think this is a much better solution for when your Aggrons have been Catchered, or if Sableye as been Hypnotoxic Lasered.
-1 Enhanced Hammer
+1 Devolution Spray
You don't need that much Enhanced Hammers and Devolution Spray is more important.
Hope that helped!:D