RE: Ahiro's BIG Tanks [Wailord & Donphan Prime]
So...looks nice Ahiro. Just a bit of Metagame-Counter input here.
So, we need to be able to get Heavy Donphans and Wailords out of the Active spot.
-2 Fighting Energy
-1 Water Energy
+2 Warp Energy
Bebe's Search is usually not needed in such high quantities, and Seekers will allow pinch healing as well as reuse of Warp Energy.
-1 Bebe's Search
+1 Seeker
You should try to get out a quick Donphan in some match-ups, because quick Donphans can get a lot of early prizes and the Earthquake damage is insignificant. You only need 4 Fighting because you should never be using Donphan's second attack (Almost never, at least), just using Earthquake for fast damage and following up by healing.
You now have quite good match-ups against most decks. However, we run into trouble against Gengar. We can't have them Fainting Spelling our tanks, can we?
+1 Skuntank G
+1 Unown Q
+1 Azelf
You need to get a few certain lines out each game, so an Azelf is a good idea. You shouldn't rely on your Spiritomb dying early on, and you should always have a free retreater in case you lose an attacker. Finally, not attaching an Expert Belt and using Poison Structure allows you to kill Gengars without triggering Fainting Spell, and with 4 Warp Energy and Seeker, it is not a problem to remove the condition (Not to mention Serperior preventing its even being an issue in the first place in most cases).
Now I know there are too many cards might reduce the Wailord line to 2 - 2, or find some other way to fix the room.
Finally, I have come up with the best way to call decks that use the Serperior Reuniclus combo. Serperior is yellow and Reuniclus blue. I will use Wailord and Steelix as examples.
Super Wailord, and
Super Steelix.
"What deck are you running?" "Super Zekrom! =D"