Akari's Shop of Wonder


Hello and welcome to my shop.

If you give me any picture, I can do one of these...

*make it an awesome userbar
*make it an awesome avatar
*make it an awesome banner
*make it an awesome wallpaper
*make it an awesome animated gif
*make it look like it is raining (JUST SAYING... but it looks way better on small banners)
*I can modify it to your specifications.
*I can merge two photos

I'm telling you right now... the less you have on it, the better it will look... ;)

Also, I do not ask for credit.. it is not needed! I see no point in it EXCEPT in banners.

Anyway, here are examples of everything offered.

example of rain effect. http://i48.tinypic.com/kd4j8p.gif

example of animated gif. http://i50.tinypic.com/1znwu2p.gif

example of two merged pictures. http://i49.tinypic.com/2u947zp.png

My Pokebeach.com banner by yours truly. http://i48.tinypic.com/34qwpwx.png

example of a pic I modified. http://i895.photobucket.com/albums/ac159/brawl4lifeX/Spitfire.jpg

example of avatar I made. http://i47.tinypic.com/2s7do9v.png

example of a wallpaper. http://i895.photobucket.com/albums/ac159/brawl4lifeX/Untitled-1-3.png

example of userbar. http://i895.photobucket.com/albums/ac159/brawl4lifeX/Untitled-1-10.png

THIS IS A VIDEO OF ME MAKING A BANNER... so you can see what I use, and how I do it.

I have an example for each thing I can do, but feel free to ask for random stuff too.


Again, feel free to order anything not on the list.

Here's my photobucket account, which you are free to view. If you want to take anything, just please ask kindly... :)


Before posting, keep in mind I have the right to refuse any request and possibly will.

Here is stuff regarding posts and rules.


You're posts must have 100% perfect grammar almost. It must contain what you want, links to the picture you want, the link or color of the background you want, and what text you want. You can also have a Misc. section also.

Your post must look like this or it will be REJECTED. (Feel free to copy to use in posts. :) )

Want: GIF
Pic: http://laurenoutloud.com/main/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/unicorn-sparkle.gif (PRETEND IT IS NOT ALREADY ANIMATED)
BG: Transparent
Text: Nothing
Misc. Can you make it sparkle?


There must be no spam or flaming in this unless it is done by me. If there is any, I have the right to lock or delete this. When you post you must type "Smeargle is Win." so I can tell you read the rules.. just put it on top, or below your post. If you have anything pokemon or something you know I wouldn't have much knowledge of, please be very precise in the misc. part. If you bug me about something, I will say it is done, but I will not present it for up to 12 hours possibly. If you are a member I know pretty well, then I will let some rules slide. Don't automatically think I know you really well if I just PM you or post something nice to you. If I really do know you, you would know it... if we were friends, but I keep sending you negative things, then you are not known well by me, and therefore must stick to the rules even better. I am slow sometimes... You may order a banner from me and I may not get it done for a day. These are the rules.. obey.. or lose the game.




I have another shop on another forum, so some photobucket stuff is from there. The rules are the same on both. If you know blazzy the member, he's from the other forum also.

First Creation/Original Post:
Mkay, I think most of you may know shoop da whoop... he's the mouth that fires a blue lazer. His catchphrase is either "IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZER" or "IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZER."

Anyway, I do have photoshop and I do mess around with it... and I just came up with this randomly and thought it was quite funny. And don't post "That's easy." or stuff like that because I know it was easy.. :|

Anyway, here it is, if you want you can use it.

Here's a translucent bg one for signatures:

Here's one with a white bg for avatars:

If you want to use it for something, modify it, or have it on another forum, just ask for my permission. No credit is needed as I see no point in it..

You can request for stuff if you want and I can do animations or GIFS, but I'm really lazy and am sure there are better artists than me here like Xous.
RE: IMMA FIRIN MAH... Rayquaza?

I was laughing in my head when I saw these,I would have laughed aloud but someones on the phone.These are awesome.
RE: IMMA FIRIN MAH... Rayquaza?

This one's not as good of one because I couldn't find a good awesome face to use it from.
For those who don't know Awesome Face, here he is in emoticon form.

Anyway, here's another funny random thing I made...

Transparent bg for sigs:

White bg for avatars:

+1 to anyone who got both of the rayquaza and electrode without help.

Again, feel free to ask request something done either it being something like those, or something for yourself or anyone.

Also, can a mod move this to the Celadon mart possibly...?
Although I am not sure where this belongs... I am pretty sure it would fit better at the celadon mart...
RE: IMMA FIRIN MAH... Rayquaza?

Wow, this makes you look a LOT like BMNC on youtube...but these are really funny!
RE: IMMA FIRIN MAH... Rayquaza?

aggiegwyn said:
Wow, this makes you look a LOT like BMNC on youtube...but these are really funny!

What if I am him... D=

Anyway, here's one I thought was funny...


Sorry.. I didn't have enough time to make a better text or have a transparent bg.

The only other meme I can think of is The Game, and cool story bro... any others I could do? Please request...
RE: IMMA FIRIN MAH... Rayquaza?

well, theres approval guy and long cat (maybe with a furret) and it is can be and i'm twelve years old and what is this and courage wolf and depression dog and advice dog and internet hate machine and keanu is sad and archaic rap and rageguy.

just off the top of my head.

you could do the whole "(obscenity)magnets, how do they work?" with a magnemite
RE: IMMA FIRIN MAH... Rayquaza?

Yeah, but I don't think many people may know all of those.. ;-;

But I have a few to do... at least 3 :D
RE: IMMA FIRIN MAH... Rayquaza?

you could still do longcat with furret and magnets though.

or not, its your choice
RE: IMMA FIRIN MAH... Rayquaza?

Ooh, do the LOLWUT pear with a weepinbell, that would look awesome if you could pull it off.
RE: IMMA FIRIN MAH... Rayquaza?

gir, eyes and mouthon like... snubble...and ears
RE: IMMA FIRIN MAH... Rayquaza?

Put a form up and a proper Shop Title and I can move this to Celadon Mart.

dmaster ou.
RE: IMMA FIRIN MAH... Rayquaza?

That's quite fantastic! Not to be rude, but can you do one of the Smugleaf meme? (Smugleaf is Tsutaja all dressed up and ready to troll)
RE: IMMA FIRIN MAH... Rayquaza?

Meh, I haven't been here in forever... XD

Anyway, locked out of my computer, and stuck on my Wii.. :C

I'll do the adjustments if I get on my computer dmaster. :)

And if I get on my computer, I can make avatars, banners, and userbars, or ALMOST whatever.

Also, update:
I have photoshop CS5 ( the newest PS out)

And I have Sony Vegas and Sony Sound Forge, so I may do music remixes or videos on youtube.
