eevee said:My Electrive FB X for your Garchomp X?
eevee said:My Lumneion MT RH for your Zapdos MD holo?
yoyofsho16 said:When you say that you want the Gabite CC reprint, do you mean Gible?
konter_j8902 said:my
holo energy
all ###/108
electric x3
fighting x2
all ###/110
2007 reverse holo electric x4
floatzel gl x
ace11 said:My Machamp Lv.X + Gabite CC for your Infernape 4 Lv.X
InfinityFangX said:lol, your poll is so true XP
anywayz, how about...
x1 Charizard PA
x2 Super Scoop up
Poke Blower+ (x5)
Dusk Ball
also interested in
Garchomp Sleeves (UNOPENED/MINT)
Garchomp Lv.X
but I don't really got anything else off your wants. cml
lmk thanxs :]
SotS said:So how many Spiritombs DO you have? I'd like to make a trade for one if possible. ;] I have Uxie LPs, and LAs (LAs are played, but in mint condition.) How many would it take for just one or two Spiritomb? =3
Rikko145 said:Glaceon Lv.X
Floatzel GL Lv.X
Palkia Lv.X (pack)
I like these. I also would like a darkrai mat if you have one. I have lots of holo energies, a Flygon Lv.X, and lots of other Level X's. I am bad at starting offers, so will you please?
Your offer seems interesting indeed. Is there anything else you can offer Lv.X wise that you have unlisted?
If you don't, LMK when you acquire any this week.
kashmaster said:my Tangrowth lv X for your palkia lv X pack version?
InfinityFangX said:I do not =/
my bf is judging this cities, so we may get more lvx to trade.
Did u want to do the other trade though?
eevee said:My Sally X for your Uxie X and Charizard RH PA/ Rayquaza C RH SV?
The_Clownsta said:CML for x1 Roseanne's Research and (It's a long shot) Uxie Lv.X
Pokeplayer44 said:Hi! I want an Uxie LV.X. I will trade you some holo energies (idk condition or type, will check), Lucario X, and 2 Holo's or another X for it. Please reply soon, I need it by Sunday.
YourP1MP said:It seems more and more that Uxie Lv.X is worth more than Salamence Lv.X.
This Uxie Lv.X Looks way better than the last and is NM. I don't think I can throw more stuff in to get a Sally.
However I would much love to obtain a Gengar Lv.X for my Uxie Lv.X. If you happen to have one unlisted, LMK.