Wi-Fi Trades Akira's Super Cherry Thread of Cherryness

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No thanks, I actually have all of that except dubious disk which I don't want that much. Sometimes extras are nice which is why there listed but not worth a Kingdra. Thnx anyway.
I will give you all pearl exclusives and a timid ditto with 31 speed Ivs for the shiny kingdra and the impish Eevie.Oh and you can have an electrizar.
Sorry it took so long to reply :O didn't realize anyone had posted.

@ Kash: Yeah, I'll do that.
@ Furroshi: I like all your shinies and the Suicune.
@ Rivallz: The link to your thread doesn't work.
I'm interested in your Tyrannitar. Since you look like you like shinies I'll show you a decent sharpedo:

Sharpedo, Naive LvL50 - HP: 141 (22/0) | Atk: 160 (7/252) | Def: 48 (6/0) | Sp.Atk: 104 (8/0) | Sp.Def: 50 (22/0) | Spd: 151 (13/252) | Hidden Power: 54, POISON | Format: stat (IV/EP)

I have a lot more pokemon but that's the only shiny and it was off the GTS
Would I be able to offer a shiny skuntank for your
Bryan's Feraligatr Lv. 50 (Male)
[Adamant, Torrent]
Moves: Dragon Dance, Crunch, Ice Punch, Waterfall?
Its nature is adamant and it is UT (untouched)
@ Art: Ehh, I'm not a huge fan of shinies that I probably won't use. Do you have a tradelist?

@ Bulbasaur: Same as above

if you guys don't have anything else to trade i'll do the trade as long as you don't mind cloned pokes.
I Have Gardevoir [Timid/Trace] Bulky Ev's
Kabutops (Adamant/Swift Swim) Physical Sweeper Ev's
Groudon (Jolly/Drought) Bulky Ev's
Hitmontop (Adamant/Technichian) Bulky Ev;s
Shiny Yamnega (Modest/Speed Boost) SPecial Sweeper Ev's
Aggron (Adamant/Rock Head) Bulky Ev's
Dugtrio (Arena Trap/Jolly) Sweeper ev's
Staraptor (adamant/intimidate) sweeper ev's
Ursarang (adamant/guts) sweeper ev's

That's just to quickly name a few
Ooh, I like the groudon and yanmega. can you provide more indepth details like so


and is the yanmega legit?
Groudon, Jolly LvL100 - HP: 339 (29/) | Atk: 399 (31/252) | Def: 314 (29/) | Sp.Atk: 203 (21/0) | Sp.Def: 214 (29/0) | Spd: 305 (30/252) | Hidden Power: 36, ICE | Format: stat (IV/EP)
-Fire punch
-swords dance
-shadow claw

Yanmega, Modest LvL100 - HP: 333 (29/88) | Atk: 141 (0/) | Def: 208 (31/) | Sp.Atk: 341 (10/252) | Sp.Def: 148 (31/0) | Spd: 241 (1/180) | Hidden Power: 63, GRASS | Format: stat (IV/EP)
-bug buzz
-air slash

The Yanmega is shiny so that's the only reason i like it. I also can't guarentee legiticmacy due to it being traded to me (the yamnega)

I'd recommend the Groudon since its a better trade and I'm positive its not hacked. The Groudon I'd also let you redistribute.
Alrighty then. The yanmega kinda has unfortunate sp. atk anyway. (it's still pretty damn good for a shiny though.)

It might be a few days I'm having trouble with WIFI but i'll keep in touch =D
Nah, I have access to every Pokemon on my Diamond version and my Platinum version needs to be hack-free so what it comes down to is

1) if you've ever used a cheat device on your game then it will infect my Platinum so nothnx
2) my platinum version doesn't have a good-IVed garchomp. i could breed it with a ditto to get you a gible egg with random IVs if you don't mind that, though.

so if your game is hack free and has always been hack free and you dont mind a gible egg with random IVs then i'm down to trade with ya.
What Pearl Exclusives do you need? Can you also clone some of my pokemon.
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