Wi-Fi Trades Akwila's Trade Buzz! More Free Stuff everyday! Now updated with PokeBank!

RE: Akwila's Trade Buzz! More Free Stuff everyday! (Non-Kalos mons for Free!)

jlock1090 said:
Hey, would I be able to have a female scyther with technician?

Lv 1 - 10 Mega Lugia please.

(Go back and read the WHOLE OP please.)
I can get you all the ledgendaries for for trade backs if you want :) every ledgend except Shamin is what I can get :)
ShinyVincent said:
Do you have the Frillish now? Or not yet?

Yes I do! Frillish and Medicham!

xDkoYx said:
I can get you all the ledgendaries for for trade backs if you want :) every ledgend except Shamin is what I can get :)

We should do this. Let me know when you have some time, because this might take an hour or so...
I won't be able to be on for very long. Send me a PM when you are ready. I will be online here for the next 3 hours from this post.
I have a lot of the Pokebank Legendaries that you need, do you by chance have Reshiram, Landorous, Tornadus, Giratina, Dialga and Kyurem? I would be more than willing to trade and trade back to fill Pokedex entries.
Muddy68 said:
I have a lot of the Pokebank Legendaries that you need, do you by chance have Reshiram, Landorous, Tornadus, Giratina, Dialga and Kyurem? I would be more than willing to trade and trade back to fill Pokedex entries.

I certainly do have all of them. In fact the Dialga and Giratina I have are shiny (legit too, from the promo last fall).
Awesome, I no longer need the Landorous and Tornadus, but the rest I do, so let me know when you're online and we can trade and trade back legendaries. Which ones do you still need? I believe I have a lot of them.
Muddy68 said:
Awesome, I no longer need the Landorous and Tornadus, but the rest I do, so let me know when you're online and we can trade and trade back legendaries. Which ones do you still need? I believe I have a lot of them.

Whats your IGN? I still have you added.

ShinyVincent said:
Send me a PM when your ready?

For the Medicham and Frillish, correct?
It's Nicholas. I'm gonna be online for a few hours, so just shoot me a trade request and we can trade back and forth. I still have the same wants.
Muddy68 said:
It's Nicholas. I'm gonna be online for a few hours, so just shoot me a trade request and we can trade back and forth. I still have the same wants.

Let me know if you want to trade back and forth again. I still need quite a bit.
I have a HA Anorith with egg moves and more, check my list for
F Koffing - Sassy - Levitate x/31/31/31/31/x (has Stockpile and Pain Split)
M Rhyhorn - Brave - Rock Head 31/31/31/x/31/x

And if you can, nickname Koffing (Stank Bomb)
Sure I can nickname it, I'm having some bad luck with these eggs though...I'm not getting the IVs in the right place. xD

I have 2 Spanish Dittos that the judge says "you won't get anywhere fast with that speed"
One is Sassy x/x/x/31/31/and I think 0. The other is Bashful x/31/x/31/31 and I think 0.
Let me know if you're interested.