Wi-Fi Trades Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Trading a Hacked Arceus!!!!]

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RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

Delta_Storm:Ok PM me when you get the game!!

RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

Ok i would like it hatched Manaphy what would you like for it??

RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

Have a manaphy that could hold an fossil (so you will have 3 pokemons, phione manaphy and the fossil resurected helix fossil, skull fossiln dunno out of my head what fossils i have). Like to have your snorlax for it.

May be cloned one thats ok for me ;). PM me if we have an deal !
RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

Redostrike:sounds great!!as long as the manaphy and the fossil is legiT!!

RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

Manaphy is legit from ranger and the fossil is dug up from underground (i have the old amber and helix fossil) I'm home now so i can trade actully whole day (need to go to the store in a few but that wont take to long).

Pm me if your fine with this!
RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

Redostrike:I would like the Manaphy(holding the Amber Fossil)for my Snorlax(level 30 legit)!!
RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

OK nice, do you have an dusk stone up for trade? Or maybe an e-reader berry? I could sure use it.
RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

will you trade your Garchomp (female)Lvl 100 for my shiny Electrode or two?
RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

riolu_ranger: Um ok my Level 100(female) Garchomp for your ShinY Electrode(or could you please get a Voltorbe??)(and they must be legit otherwise i won't take them!!;P!!

Redostrike:No i don't have any of them items up for trade but do please have a look what i do have up for trade!!then when you are ready to trade you can pm me or post here(i don't mind ;P!!)[But we both must be on pokebeach at the same time if that makes any sense]!!

RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

Yeah i think we have some timezone issues! No problem about the item i don't really need them that much. Hope this trade end well!
RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

Just to inform you that there is no such thing as a non-hacked Arceus for now. Arceus is an event Pokemon and there has been no Nintendo event for Arceus as of this date. Take note that all Arceus offered to you, no matter how true the reasons that it is non-hacked that the person offering it says may seem, the Arceus is hacked.
RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

well i cant get a voltorbe but the shiny electrode will be liget.
RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

Señor Noobnerd: If you actaully read the first post on my player thread it says [b](when the event happens)!!!![/b]

riolu_ranger: Thats sounds great!! so one garchomp lvl 100 for your shiny Electrode (legit)Just pm me whn we are both on at the smae time and we can trade!!

RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

Yes i can get it if you would like it!!!

RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

ok then could you get to me on like a starly or i would like a magby:D look in my thread in my sig for my pokemon.
RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

Ok ssb4ever i will get you a magby with pokerus for[do you have any shinys]thats all i really want at the moment!~!

RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

i wish :( no but i have some nice pokemon, take a look 4 yourself ;)
RE: Alazzakazam's"My Player Thread"[Wanting a  Non-Hacked Arceus!!!!]

i have looked and none i am interested in!!but it says "ask" so do you have any legendaries(must be legit)

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