I see you're looking for HGSS-on rares.. here is a list, most of these I have multiples of, but I'll leave out the #'s since you probably only need singles.. but feel free to ask if I have more of one card that you want/need
Ampharos hgss/col
ariados hgss
banette tm
beedrill ul
blastoise ul
bronzong tm
butterfree hgss
cleffa hgss/col
crobat ul
ditto tm
dodrio ud
dragonite tm
drifblim ud
dugtrio tm
farfetched hgss
fearow ul
flotazel ul
furret hgss
golduck tm
grumpig tm
hariyama ud
honchkrow ud (both #15 and #16)
hypno hgss
kingdra ul
lanturn ul
lapras hgss
leafeon ud
ledian hgss
lucario ul
lunatone tm
meganium hgss/col
metagross ud
nidoqueen tm
ninetales ul
persian hgss
pichu hgss
poliwrath ul
primeape ul
roserade ul
sandslash hgss
skarmory ud
steelix ul
tangrowth col
torkal ul
tropius ud
ursaring ul
vespiqueen ud
weavile ud
weezing hgss/col
lmk what you need off that list, and what what you're looking to trade it for. =)