Looks like the picture got updated. The previous version had slight colorColoring? This picture has COLORING?
I’m pretty sure black and white pictures only have SHADES.![]()
Looks like the picture got updated. The previous version had slight colorColoring? This picture has COLORING?
I’m pretty sure black and white pictures only have SHADES.![]()
No idea, maybe a lot of fans can't get the product because of the shortages. In the old days the Japanese cards would be posted by Japanese fans well into this afternoon/evening. It could take over 24 hours sometimes. This set reminds me of covering sets in high school, college, and most of grad school. It wasn't easy, and I never got any sleep!
I'd expect nothing less from the master that is Arita-san!Holy Arceus, that Noivern V alt art is so damn beautiful <3
Single Strike hate confirmed, you heard it here first. Poor Single Strikes =(Wait, WHAT IS THIS?! We’re getting one Rapid Strike Golden Rare and NO Single Strike Golden Rares in Evolving Skies?
... I’m so confused.
I guess, someone did the job I was failed to do. Thanks, dude. Do you have the link for that?The booklet from the french release of Evolving Skies has partially leaked online revealing all of the Full Arts, Alt Arts, Rainbow Arts and Gold cards from the set.
From this leak we can determine a few things about the set:
Including secret rares there are 237 cards in the set.
The announced number 18 Pokemon V is incorrect. There are 22 Pokemon V in the set.
The announced number COULD be correct if TPCi means there are 18 regular art Pokemon V. Vaporeon V, Jolteon V, Flareon V and Dragonite V (with their Japanese set art) have been announced to be included in Tins/Boxes this Summer/Fall. We may have a situation similar to Galarian Rapidash where the Full Arts and Alt Arts are included in a set, while the regular becomes a promo.
HOWEVER, Vaporeon V, Jolteon V and Flareon V's alt art cards are NOT in the set. Incoming collectors box? It's more likely than you think.
Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon and Espeon VMAX alt arts are also, sadly, not in the set.
Arctovish V and Dracozolt V and VMAX are in the set.
Shauna, School Boy and School Girl are NOT in the set.
Treasure Energy is card #165. Between Eevee Heroes, the 2 Dragon Sets, the 4 Promo Eevee Evolution VMAX Pokemon that have been announced to be in the set, Arctovish V and Dracozolt V/VMAX we have 210 cards not including any Ultra Rare or Secret Rare cards. That means 45 cards have been cut from the 3 sets. This also likely means that none of the new cards from any other Japanese product like the Intro Boxes, League Promos and Gengar/Inteleon decks are in the set. The 3 Supporters that have been cut leaves us with 24 new trainers (the number of trainers TPCi said are in the set in the announcement). The 6 reprinted trainer and special energy cards also been cut. That leaves another 36 from the three unreleased Japanese sets to cut. If the above mentioned regular art Vs are cut as well then we have 32 more cards in release limbo after this set. November is really gonna be a hodgepodge set.
My predicted Evolving Skies Setlist (165 onward confirmed):
001. Pinsir
002. Hoppip
003. Skiploom
004. Jumpluff
005. Tropius
006. Leafeon V
007. Leafeon VMAX
008. Sewaddle
009. Swadloon
010. Leavanny
011. Trevenant V
012. Trevenant VMAX
013. Dewpider
014. Araquanid
015. Gossifleur
015. Eldegoss
016. Applin
017. Vulpix
018. Ninetales
019. Flareon VMAX
020. Entei
021. Victini
022. Volcarona V
023. Sizzlipede
024. Centiskorch
025. Shellder
026. Cloyster
027. Gyarados V
028. Gyarados VMAX
029. Vaporeon VMAX
030. Marill
031. Azumarill
032. Mantine
033. Suicune V
034. Mudkip
035. Marshtomp
036. Swampert
037. Lotad
038. Lombre
039. Ludicolo
040. Feebas
041. Milotic
042. Glaceon V
043. Glaceon VMAX
044. Cryogonal
045. Wishiwashi
046. Arctovish V
047. Eiscue
048. Pikachu
049. Raichu
050. Voltorb
051. Electrode
052. Jolteon VMAX
053. Mareep
054. Flaaffy
056. Ampharos
057. Plusle
058. Minun
059. Rotom
060. Toxel
061. Toxtricity
062. Dracozolt V
063. Dracozolt VMAX
064. Regieleki
065. Galarian Articuno
066. Espeon V
067. Espeon VMAX
068. Wobbuffet
069. Mawile
070. Golurk V
071. Flabébé
072. Floette
073. Florges
074. Sylveon V
075. Sylveon VMAX
076. Sandygast
077. Palossand
078. Marshadow
079. Hitmonchan
080. Galarian Zapdos
081. Gligar
082. Gliscor
083. Makuhita
084. Hariyama
085. Medicham
086. Baltoy
087. Claydol
088. Landorus
089. Lycanroc V
090. Lycanroc VMAX
091. Stufful
092. Bewear
093. Galarian Moltres
094. Umbreon V
095. Umbreon VMAX
096. Absol
097. Garbodor V
098. Garbodor VMAX
099. Zorua
100. Zoroark
101. Nickit
102. Thievul
103. Impidimp
104. Morgrem
105. Grimmsnarl
106. Galarian Meowth
107. Galarian Perrserker
108. Skarmory
109. Klefki
110. Cufant
111. Copperajah
112. Altaria
113. Bagon
114. Shelgon
115. Salamence
116. Rayquaza V
117. Rayquaza VMAX
118. Dialga
119. Deino
120. Zweilous
121. Hydreigon
122. Kyurem
123. Noivern V
124. Zygarde
125. Flapple
126. Appletun
127. Duraludon V
128. Duraludon VMAX
129. Regidrago
130. Meowth
131. Persian
132. Kangaskhan
133. Eevee
135. Smeargle
136. Stantler
137. Slakoth
138. Vigoroth
139. Slaking
140. Swablu
141: Aroma Lady
142: Booster Shake
143: Copycat
144: Cosmic Shield
145: Crystal Cave
146: Digging Gloves
147: Dream Ball
148: Elemental Badge
149: Fashion Mall
150: Frozen Leaf Badge
151: Gordie
152: Lucky Popsicle
153: Moon and Sun Badge
154: Netherworld Mask
155: Raihan
156: Rapid Strike Scroll of the Flying Dragon
157: Rescue Trolley
158: Ribbon Badge
159: Rubber Gloves
160: Single Strike Scroll of the Fanged Dragon
161: Stormy Mountain Range
162: Swap Cups
163: Toy Catcher
164: Zinnia’s Resolve
165: Treasure Energy
166: Leafeon V Full
167: Leafeon V Alt
168: Trevenant V Full
169: Flareon V Full
170: Volcarona V Full
171: Gyarados V Full
172: Vaporeon V Full
173: Suicune V Full
174: Glaceon V Full
175: Glaceon V Alt
176: Arctovish V Full
177: Jolteon V Full
178: Dracozolt V Full
179: Espeon V Full
180: Espeon V Alt
181: Golurk V Full
182: Golurk V Alt
183: Sylveon V Full
184: Sylveon V Alt
185: Medicham V Full
186: Medicham V Alt
187: Lycanroc V Full
188: Umbreon V Full
189: Umbreon V Alt
190: Garbodor V Full
191: Dragonite V Full
192: Dragonite V Alt
193: Rayquaza V Full
194: Rayquaza V Alt
195: Noivern V Full
196: Noivern V Alt
197: Duraludon V Full
198: Duraludon V Alt
199: Aroma Lady Full
200: Copycat Full
201: Gordie Full
202: Raihan Full
203: Zinnia's Resolve Full
204: Leafeon VMAX Rainbow
205: Leafeon VMAX Alt
206: Trevenant VMAX Rainbow
207: Gyarados VMAX Rainbow
208: Glaceon VMAX Rainbow
209: Glaceon VMAX Alt
210: Dracozolt VMAX
211: Sylveon VMAX Rainbow
212: Sylveon VMAX Alt
213: Lycanroc VMAX Rainbow
214: Umbreon VMAX Rainbow
215: Umbreon VMAX Alt
216: Garbodor VMAX Rainbow\
217: Rayquaza VMAX Rainbow
218: Rayquaza VMAX Alt
219: Duraludon VMAX Rainbow
220: Duraludon VMAX Alt
221: Aroma Lady Rainbow
222: Copycat Rainbow
223: Gordie Rainbow
224: Raihan Rainbow
225: Zinnia's Resolve Rainbow
226: Froslass Gold
227: Inteleon Gold
228: Cresselia Gold
229: Booster Shake Gold
230: Crystal Cave Gold
231: Space Helmet Gold
232: Stormy Range Gold
233: Toy Catcher Gold
234: Turffield Gym Gold
235: Lightning Energy Gold
236: Darkness Energy Gold
237: Metal Energy Gold
I guess, someone did the job I was failed to do. Thanks, dude. Do you have the link for that?
The Eevee V and VMAX Alt Arts could be Promos in a Premium Collection trio.The booklet from the french release of Evolving Skies has partially leaked online revealing all of the Full Arts, Alt Arts, Rainbow Arts and Gold cards from the set.
From this leak we can determine a few things about the set:
Including secret rares there are 237 cards in the set.
The announced number 18 Pokemon V is incorrect. There are 22 Pokemon V in the set.
The announced number COULD be correct if TPCi means there are 18 regular art Pokemon V. Vaporeon V, Jolteon V, Flareon V and Dragonite V (with their Japanese set art) have been announced to be included in Tins/Boxes this Summer/Fall. We may have a situation similar to Galarian Rapidash where the Full Arts and Alt Arts are included in a set, while the regular becomes a promo.
HOWEVER, Vaporeon V, Jolteon V and Flareon V's alt art cards are NOT in the set. Incoming collectors box? It's more likely than you think.
Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon and Espeon VMAX alt arts are also, sadly, not in the set.
Arctovish V and Dracozolt V and VMAX are in the set.
Shauna, School Boy and School Girl are NOT in the set.
Treasure Energy is card #165. Between Eevee Heroes, the 2 Dragon Sets, the 4 Promo Eevee Evolution VMAX Pokemon that have been announced to be in the set, Arctovish V and Dracozolt V/VMAX we have 210 cards not including any Ultra Rare or Secret Rare cards. That means 45 cards have been cut from the 3 sets. This also likely means that none of the new cards from any other Japanese product like the Intro Boxes, League Promos and Gengar/Inteleon decks are in the set. The 3 Supporters that have been cut leaves us with 24 new trainers (the number of trainers TPCi said are in the set in the announcement). The 6 reprinted trainer and special energy cards also been cut. That leaves another 36 from the three unreleased Japanese sets to cut. If the above mentioned regular art Vs are cut as well then we have 32 more cards in release limbo after this set. November is really gonna be a hodgepodge set.
My predicted Evolving Skies Setlist (165 onward confirmed):
001. Pinsir
002. Hoppip
003. Skiploom
004. Jumpluff
005. Tropius
006. Leafeon V
007. Leafeon VMAX
008. Sewaddle
009. Swadloon
010. Leavanny
011. Trevenant V
012. Trevenant VMAX
013. Dewpider
014. Araquanid
015. Gossifleur
015. Eldegoss
016. Applin
017. Vulpix
018. Ninetales
019. Flareon VMAX
020. Entei
021. Victini
022. Volcarona V
023. Sizzlipede
024. Centiskorch
025. Shellder
026. Cloyster
027. Gyarados V
028. Gyarados VMAX
029. Vaporeon VMAX
030. Marill
031. Azumarill
032. Mantine
033. Suicune V
034. Mudkip
035. Marshtomp
036. Swampert
037. Lotad
038. Lombre
039. Ludicolo
040. Feebas
041. Milotic
042. Glaceon V
043. Glaceon VMAX
044. Cryogonal
045. Wishiwashi
046. Arctovish V
047. Eiscue
048. Pikachu
049. Raichu
050. Voltorb
051. Electrode
052. Jolteon VMAX
053. Mareep
054. Flaaffy
056. Ampharos
057. Plusle
058. Minun
059. Rotom
060. Toxel
061. Toxtricity
062. Dracozolt V
063. Dracozolt VMAX
064. Regieleki
065. Galarian Articuno
066. Espeon V
067. Espeon VMAX
068. Wobbuffet
069. Mawile
070. Golurk V
071. Flabébé
072. Floette
073. Florges
074. Sylveon V
075. Sylveon VMAX
076. Sandygast
077. Palossand
078. Marshadow
079. Hitmonchan
080. Galarian Zapdos
081. Gligar
082. Gliscor
083. Makuhita
084. Hariyama
085. Medicham
086. Baltoy
087. Claydol
088. Landorus
089. Lycanroc V
090. Lycanroc VMAX
091. Stufful
092. Bewear
093. Galarian Moltres
094. Umbreon V
095. Umbreon VMAX
096. Absol
097. Garbodor V
098. Garbodor VMAX
099. Zorua
100. Zoroark
101. Nickit
102. Thievul
103. Impidimp
104. Morgrem
105. Grimmsnarl
106. Galarian Meowth
107. Galarian Perrserker
108. Skarmory
109. Klefki
110. Cufant
111. Copperajah
112. Altaria
113. Bagon
114. Shelgon
115. Salamence
116. Rayquaza V
117. Rayquaza VMAX
118. Dialga
119. Deino
120. Zweilous
121. Hydreigon
122. Kyurem
123. Noivern V
124. Zygarde
125. Flapple
126. Appletun
127. Duraludon V
128. Duraludon VMAX
129. Regidrago
130. Meowth
131. Persian
132. Kangaskhan
133. Eevee
135. Smeargle
136. Stantler
137. Slakoth
138. Vigoroth
139. Slaking
140. Swablu
141: Aroma Lady
142: Booster Shake
143: Copycat
144: Cosmic Shield
145: Crystal Cave
146: Digging Gloves
147: Dream Ball
148: Elemental Badge
149: Fashion Mall
150: Frozen Leaf Badge
151: Gordie
152: Lucky Popsicle
153: Moon and Sun Badge
154: Netherworld Mask
155: Raihan
156: Rapid Strike Scroll of the Flying Dragon
157: Rescue Trolley
158: Ribbon Badge
159: Rubber Gloves
160: Single Strike Scroll of the Fanged Dragon
161: Stormy Mountain Range
162: Swap Cups
163: Toy Catcher
164: Zinnia’s Resolve
165: Treasure Energy
166: Leafeon V Full
167: Leafeon V Alt
168: Trevenant V Full
169: Flareon V Full
170: Volcarona V Full
171: Gyarados V Full
172: Vaporeon V Full
173: Suicune V Full
174: Glaceon V Full
175: Glaceon V Alt
176: Arctovish V Full
177: Jolteon V Full
178: Dracozolt V Full
179: Espeon V Full
180: Espeon V Alt
181: Golurk V Full
182: Golurk V Alt
183: Sylveon V Full
184: Sylveon V Alt
185: Medicham V Full
186: Medicham V Alt
187: Lycanroc V Full
188: Umbreon V Full
189: Umbreon V Alt
190: Garbodor V Full
191: Dragonite V Full
192: Dragonite V Alt
193: Rayquaza V Full
194: Rayquaza V Alt
195: Noivern V Full
196: Noivern V Alt
197: Duraludon V Full
198: Duraludon V Alt
199: Aroma Lady Full
200: Copycat Full
201: Gordie Full
202: Raihan Full
203: Zinnia's Resolve Full
204: Leafeon VMAX Rainbow
205: Leafeon VMAX Alt
206: Trevenant VMAX Rainbow
207: Gyarados VMAX Rainbow
208: Glaceon VMAX Rainbow
209: Glaceon VMAX Alt
210: Dracozolt VMAX
211: Sylveon VMAX Rainbow
212: Sylveon VMAX Alt
213: Lycanroc VMAX Rainbow
214: Umbreon VMAX Rainbow
215: Umbreon VMAX Alt
216: Garbodor VMAX Rainbow\
217: Rayquaza VMAX Rainbow
218: Rayquaza VMAX Alt
219: Duraludon VMAX Rainbow
220: Duraludon VMAX Alt
221: Aroma Lady Rainbow
222: Copycat Rainbow
223: Gordie Rainbow
224: Raihan Rainbow
225: Zinnia's Resolve Rainbow
226: Froslass Gold
227: Inteleon Gold
228: Cresselia Gold
229: Booster Shake Gold
230: Crystal Cave Gold
231: Space Helmet Gold
232: Stormy Range Gold
233: Toy Catcher Gold
234: Turffield Gym Gold
235: Lightning Energy Gold
236: Darkness Energy Gold
237: Metal Energy Gold
I think we'll get the V alt arts in some way this fall for sure. The VMAX alts (except Espeon) are special limited number cards in Japan. Cards awarded this way in Japan very rarely make their way to other languages. It's possible, it has happened before, but I wouldn't count on it. I'm hopefull we'll get Espeon VMAX along with the Sandaconda V and Celebi V alts in someway since they were promos in Japan, but there have been so many Full Art cards that haven't gotten an english release in recent years that I won't hold my breath.The Eevee V and VMAX Alt Arts could be Promos in a Premium Collection trio.
*Cough* *cough* Rainbow Rare Charizard VMAX *cough* *cough* only 600 made in Japan *cough* *cough* only a fifth of how many of each Alt. Art VMAX will be made *cough* *cough* *cough* I think I’m choking over here, somebody help me *cough* *cough* *pant* *pant* *gasp* *gurgle.*I think we'll get the V alt arts in some way this fall for sure. The VMAX alts (except Espeon) are special limited number cards in Japan. Cards awarded this way in Japan very rarely make their way to other languages. It's possible, it has happened before, but I wouldn't count on it. I'm hopefull we'll get Espeon VMAX along with the Sandaconda V and Celebi V alts in someway since they were promos in Japan, but there have been so many Full Art cards that haven't gotten an english release in recent years that I won't hold my breath.