So nobody is going to talk about how we potentially have 4 Good One prizer decks?
Or maybe even 6?
Allow me.
1 - Poster Child - Festival Do the wave.
(Festival Box with the stadium/ Twackey/Dipplin/TMs)
With an attack that can do 200 for 1 energy, a somehow not Hard Once per turn Computer Search engine. And access to thr capsule, including a Dual 280 swing with crisis punch if you can charge three onto there..or a double evolution/devolution play. (With froslass I can see something potentially devilish happen , but well see. Deck shouldnt even be that hard to set up with conistency cards + BCN. And with Kyeran and band/defiance band you can slam 280/320 on a EX/V with do the wave. which is insane.
2. Sky wave Aggron. Alzo known as GEDA (Emolga/Aggron/Dodrio/Gengar)
The Zoroark at home. Of course I understand its a stage 2 and it night not be as consistent as Id like it to be, but in theory doing 250/300 dmg on a One prizee a d having Dodrio who can buils up damage seems very fun and full of potential. Emolga having free retreat for ease of access is fun.
3. Mightyena + Poison (Also Dubbed Aschein - Wink wink at the ref) or Werewolf, for the less anime savvy.
Is it Hopium or Do I see potentially the best OPD of the set? Buddy Buddy puffin+Hyper Aroma, swing for 300 for 1 energy, up to 330 with a small poison engine...or if wed reserve the last stop on the bench for rabsca or Manaphy, Kieran can push the hump for that juicy 330. With rods and sufficient pokemon search you can reset your position to have a consistent swing with 4 Poochs in play. That seems crazy to me. It also could be the first Viable Mightyena deck ever, which is quite nice to see. Also wes have a cool use for hassel.
4. Poison Muscle. (Poison Conkeldurr)
Another poison nut using it as protein shake. Attacking for free for 330 (if kieran is played) and crisis punching for 360 for free. Surely i am not the only one who is hyped by that. With no energy needed those extra spot can be used for consistency boosting which is normally the downfall of stage two decks
5. Winter Box (Froslass/Glalie/Mices?)
From what I can see, ability based deck are the best right now. And now, we have "Shrine" on legs, a grass ex that can count as a One prizer and ohko Zard with glasses, Glalie which doubles the damage and Raticate which triples damage.
With Irida and Candice, we can have something going.
Another fun idea to think about is to use reversal energy and Maushold and come counter cologne to run Manaphy or Jirachi and then go to town with devo but thats just me.
Also, There is a world where the best move is Froslass+Brute Bonnet, which quintuples damage. But three dark is kind of steep
6. HEAT-PAO/Metang/Zamazenta/Basculegion.
That deck is hype h asf. The theory is that if you. An set up nultiple metangs and gorge your deck with energy #Adaman bait. You can so very easily attach 5-6 energy if metang, one from hand and destroy things with Heatran, considering that when they swing into you, they burn themselves, which is +20 damange. Dialga use the same engine with great success and while it has a cracked one two punch, its all possible because of metang. Zama is solid revenge for counter catvher and 220 and in mid to late game , your metal maker becomes Godly after.a nice ghost fish come have some fun.
The real challenge is to consistenly have that set up, but ince again, if Dialga can do it, this can too. It is sad however that mini Ice Rider Scizor is being replaced....
Our twilight masquerade in may is going to be lit!!!