Oddish/Gloom/Belossom - not in the set because this card is bland. 2/2/2
Chesnaught V - very bland to me, idk to some. That's my impression. 3
Tangela/Tangrowth - not in the set, same opinion to Belossom. 2/2
Spinarak/Ariados - pretty mid to me. Easily counterable. Sableye is a thing. 3/3
Virizion/Keldeo/Cobalion/Terrakion - Although Cobalion could help some decks against Dark decks, this musketeer deck is hard to work without decent energy accel. 3-4/4/4/3-4
Ponyta/Rapidash - Basically nerfed Volcanion but applicable to everyone. 3/4-5
Victini - things like this rarely work in this meta. 3-4
Larvesta/Volcarona - good thing that it was cut from the set. 1/1
Litten/Torracat/Incineroar - I know stage 2, but any future Litten/Torracat must keep this card in mind. 3-4/3/4
Omastar V - I still don't like it. 3
Snorunt/Glalie/Froslass - I hate that "If you use X, you must do Y" attacks. Feels like a compulsory attack. 3/3/3
Relicanth - good early game. 3
Raichu - VSTAR smth. 3-4
Pikachu/Togedemaru/Morpeko/Dedenne - what happens if the chain is broken? because they don't have a free retreat and low hp. 3-4 (ALL)
Shinx/Luxio/Luxray - idk y this was cut from the set. This Luxio and Luxray are good cards. 3/4/5
Stunfisk - 3
Helioptile/Heliolisk - good thing it was cut from the set. 1/1
Zeraora - first thing I see this, this Zeraora could be a tech against Palkia. You'll run Eleki anyway. 4
Regieleki V/VMAX - Both are good anyway. VMax boosting the V for all-out Palkia KO (Palkia runs Kyurem anyway, so yeah). 4/4-5
Unown V/VSTAR - We'll run onto the Drapion V situation. 4/3
Meditite/Medicham - pretty low damage and having 4 cards in hand it ain't easy to maintain every turn. 3/3
Sigilyph - idk man, but it'll be busted on turn 1 going first, but it depends on the matchup. 4
Solosis/Duosion/Reuniclus - y tho? 3/3/3
Elgyem/Beeheeyem - Another one of those. 2/2
H. Arcanine V - I think we have a good partner for Claydol. If not, we to find someone. 4
Baltoy/Claydol - F types are forever not having an essential and decent energy acceleration. 3/4
Anorith/Armaldo - I just think that this could help against Sableye, maybe it's just me. 3/3
Pancham/Pangoro - good thing it was snapped in the set. It's just bad. 1/1
Rockruff/Lycanroc - ... 3/3-4
Stonjourner - 3
Skuntank V - is good for sniping the bench. 4
Purrloin/Liepard - we finally have a reason why we have Swsh 12.5 1/1
Skrelp/Dragalge - In a format where Comfey runs a bunch of switch cards, Nah. 2/2
Perrserker/G. Meowth - how's the day, folks? 1/1
Aron/Larion/Aggron - Siri or Alexa? 2/2/2
Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite - outside Regidrago, nah. 2/2/3 (4 Geodudes in a specific deck)
Noibat/Noivern - I don't get why we have to choose 1 Radiant Pokemon when you can only allow to run 1 Radiant of any description per deck. 2/4
Zygarde - things like this wont work in this meta. 3-4
Regidrago V/VSTAR - Allllllllllright! I was proven wrong. 3/5
Tauros - never gonna give you up... 2
Yungoos/Gumshoos - never gonna let you down... 2/2
Shaymin - never gonna run around and desert you. 3
Archen/Archeops - I'm afraid how good it is outside Lugia VSTAR. 3/4-5
Lugia V/VSTAR - Make sense, it's the poster child of the set, it should be good. 3/5
Rufflet/H. Braviary - 3/3
Oranguru - oh wait, Oranguru to Prof Research your opponent's hand, that's pretty deceptive. 4 Still cut from the set, sadge mate
Quad Stone - Still don't like it. 3
Earthen/Forest Seal Stone - well, Forest one is not just a very good tool card, but also a counter to Path to the Peak. 3/5
Worker - oh my. 3
Brandon - I waited for Brandon until it turns out to be a nerfed Colress. 3-4
Lance - oh my another Winona. 3
Candice - 3-4
Regenerative Energy - 4