ALL 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

1. Magnetic Storm got reprinted!? :D
2. Pidgey's full scan is censored why...?
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

I just thought it was funny that if you blur "Peck" in "Peck Off" the attack looks like it's saying something else. Especially with Pidgey's expression. I'm bored tonight.
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

That made my day, WPM. :D

And the icon for the set is cool. I really want to make my Toxicroak EX deck!


This Golem + Protection Cube + Virbank City Gym + Hypnotoxic Laser = 180 Damage with no recoil!

Such Damge
Very Costy
Much Recoil
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

Startling Megaphone and Trick Shovel? I much prefer the Japanese names to the English ones. That's to be expected by this point, I guess.

Does anyone know if the golden Mega Evolutions are in this set? I would assume so, but there's no sure way if knowing unless someone sees them, since they're secret rares.

I'll be going to a Prerelease Sunday. I'll send any scans WPM still needs to him if I get any.
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

Water Pokémon Master said:
I just thought it was funny that if you blur "Peck" in "Peck Off" the attack looks like it's saying something else. Especially with Pidgey's expression. I'm bored tonight.

LOL I wonder if that was intentional somehow. That said, the card actually isn't bad. I'd consider it in plasma for the Trevenent/Silver Mirror matchup.
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

Saturday's pre-release shall be fun! Although Durant and Snorlax being rares....not fun.
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

Pyroar... Best Pokemon card in the entire set. Hands down. 2 shots ANY ex and is relatively easy to set up AND TAKES NOTHING FROM ALL BUT THE MEGAS (and who actually uses those anyway?)

Nice to see Rosanne's Research back in the game and that megaphone card is BUSTED! Who is going to use tool scrapper now?
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

Setosama said:
Pyroar... Best Pokemon card in the entire set. Hands down. 2 shots ANY ex and is relatively easy to set up AND TAKES NOTHING FROM ALL BUT THE MEGAS (and who actually uses those anyway?)

Nice to see Rosanne's Research back in the game and that megaphone card is BUSTED! Who is going to use tool scrapper now?

Garbotoxin. Just that. And, Latias EX.

A perfect counter for a Pyroar/Archeops deck is Latias EX.
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

Now, after we got most of the scans, let me releas my first opinions…

1) What the heck is with the letter “i” in Spritzee's name?

2) Pidgey/Startling Megaphone… I even think, Pidgey is more playable than its evolutions.

3) Furret sure can see some play.

4) Qwilfish/Chesnaught and/or maybe Sharpedo (Plasma Storm) Lucario/Druddigon (Legendary Tresaures)/Rocky Helmet/Rock Guard… OK, maybe without Lucario due to much types in 1 deck…

5) Sneasel (50/106) and Helioptile are probably the worst cards in this set. For 2 energies such weak effect. At least they should add some base damage to their attacks.

6) I really start to liking Miltank, because of my Stage 2 decks. It's clear choice to add it to those.

7) I think, Torkoal is very good starter for gameplay. 100 HP is above average and for 1 [R] 20 damage is enough (to kill Nincada on the very first (attackable) turn :D)

8) That Milotic thing… I wonder, when exactly is the Ability in effect. If I attach 3 energies to Milotic, Knock Out it, how (step-by-step) should it follows?
a) Put Milotic and all cards attached to it into discard pile (including the energies) and then attach energies from discard pile to 1 of my Pokémon
b) Knock Out Milotic, attach 3 energies from discard pile to 1 of my Pokémon and then put Milotic with all cards attached to it to discard pile?

9) Duskull line: I think, once again (similar to Pidgey line), the Basic form is most playable of all 3. Revival is good enough to take back any annoying mon once it got KO'ed and its second attack is cheap, too. On the other hand: Dusclops took Duskull's (BCR) confusing attack and Gengar's (Triumphant) “cursing” attack; but in the second case, it's more expensive. For a stage 1 Pokémon, I'd assumed either cheaper cost or more damage. Dusknoir, “magnet” on damage, is slight other version of original Alakazam; I can still imagine it in Flygon/Dusknoir (BCR) deck. Althought its attack is way too expensive, too.

10) Walrein. Shame, the Big Tusk thing is another version of Karate Chop; that means: It has chance only in self-healing decks (Serperior or so)

11) Luvdisc + Red Card + Luxray + Durant (+ Prank Scoop) can be a thing… I think.

12) Shinx's line again: Luxio is good “revenger”. Maybe more expensive than Shaymin EX, but at least not EX and not weak to fire >:D

13) When we put the grass weakness on all waters' aside, this set Buizel line is such a suck; Floatzel for [W][W] 30 damage? Too weak. And Buizel (putting aside Croagunk) is my fav gen IV mon. Shame.

14) Like someone said already by the Japanese scans: It's a bit shame, that Toxicroak EX isn't fighting type. It should be more competitive; although, at least, its attack isn't affected by resistance and triple poison for a DCE is a good thing, too.

15) Sandile + Krokorok / Fletchling + Fletchinder — Another set with no final evolutions. Sick. Yeah, we got final evolutions set before, but why not another?

16) That Maractus. I think, I build a deck with it just for a fun. Accopmpanied by Piloswine (5 × flip for 40 damage) and another flipping mons (e.g. Zapdos) it will be pretty annoying deck >:D)

17) Putting aside the good attacks, I really like illustration for this Druddigon. That's a beast. >:D

18) Litleo (18/106) — another version of Growlithes… expensive attacks, expensive retreat, not much HP. Why the heck the card creators don't make evolution-able mon's “good” (= playable) even in their basic forms? Pyroar: Expensive retreat (even if it is cheaper then Arcanines') and, like someone already said: Not a mon against Latias EX. But super against other annoying mon's. Bye bye Mewtwo/Yveltal. >:D

19) Floette (65): For 1 [Y] 10 to each of my opponent's mon is incredibly good on a stage 1 mon (at least in comparison with another Stage 1's mons). Florges: Old Milotic in combo with upgraded Floette. I think, it's cool.

20) I hope, we got all versions of thet Furfrou! My collection have to be complete! :DD

21) Barbaracle — another “burner” of energies. But why not. With Superioer Energy Retrieval or Fisherman…

22) Dragalge is revenge on all Keldeos with Float Stone (if you don't have two of them…) Can be used against Crobat >:D

23) Avalugg — Virbank/Frozen City (and another annoying Stadiums) destructor. I sure must have it.

Now for the Trainers:
24) Blacksmith: Such a card for another type of energies would be awesome, too. But I love fire types more then any other types, so it's brilliant for me. =)

25) Lysandre = supporterized (original) non-flipping Catcher… Much was said about this card already; I still think, it's good only for collection.

26) Magnetic Storm… I'd be more satisfied, if it cancels weakness gratis. But the annoying psychic resistance got away, so…

27) Pal Pad = Modern VS seeker… with a slightly changed effect.

28) Center Lady! Non-flipping supporterized Life Herb! OK; we got some itemized supporters last expansion, now the reverse effect. Why not.

29) Pokémon Fan Club: How Challenge! was weakened (Pokémon Collector) and weakened (Pokémon Fan Club). End of this Story. :D

30) Protection Cube is a miraculous. I want to play it with the oldest Golem from Fossil. :D

31) Sacred Ash = stronger version of Pokémon Retriever/Pokémon Rescue…

32) Startling Megaphone (although, I like the Japanese name better, too) and Tool Drop can go to another world.

33) There's no space between the point and Y in Trick Shovel (after the first sentence).

That's it for now. Btw., if some can answer my question from the point 8 I'd be grateful. Yes, and another question at the end: Do someone of you know, why they stop creating “babies“? (Budew and another stuff?)
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

Asrialys: Do you wonder? I'd say, it's a fairy version of Jumpluff (and it has only 90 HP…)
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

Added 5 more scans, refresh Dragon Charizard's image to see the actual scan.
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

I wonder why one of the Floettes is a rare card? Perhaps because of the ability it has I suppose but still. Also, I really dig the art on the match. illustrated Sneasel.
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

Can't wait to buy this box:

Hopes: I pull any of the Charizards. (Especially that fresh, awesome FA. Betting get's a $50+ price tag) Pyroar, Goodra, Golem, Walrein, Luxray

Hope nots: That if I do pull a FA, it's one of the trainers. :/
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

tigre said:
Can't wait to buy this box:

Hopes: I pull any of the Charizards. (Especially that fresh, awesome FA. Betting get's a $50+ price tag) Pyroar, Goodra, Golem, Walrein, Luxray

Hope nots: That if I do pull a FA, it's one of the trainers. :/

Don't you want a Lysandre FA? It looks cool I guess it's the only FA that looks cool....

Even though they are/will be worth some money.
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

Eron said:
tigre said:
Can't wait to buy this box:

Hopes: I pull any of the Charizards. (Especially that fresh, awesome FA. Betting get's a $50+ price tag) Pyroar, Goodra, Golem, Walrein, Luxray

Hope nots: That if I do pull a FA, it's one of the trainers. :/

Don't you want a Lysandre FA? It looks cool I guess it's the only FA that looks cool....

Even though they are/will be worth some money.

I can imagine the Lysandre FA going for anywhere between 15-25 USD but the other FA trainers and even Toxicroak would probably only go for ~10 if I had to guess. If they are competitively useful I could be wrong though.

Honestly, I'd be lucky to even get a FA in a box, but I'm really hoping it's either Magnezone, Kanga, or 'Zard.
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

Some of these edited attack names are fail.

Wham Bam punch? Seriously? I was looking forward to shouting "OPPAN GANGAN PUNCH!".
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

What do people think of the Floette with the Flower Veil ability - maybe as a tech in VirGen decks? A 190/210HP EX seems pretty terrifying to me. Also do you reckon that the Combustion Blast Charizard EX will get a full art? I really hoping that it does :)
RE: 95+ 'Flashfire' Scans! [4/25]

yo_chocola said:
What do people think of the Floette with the Flower Veil ability - maybe as a tech in VirGen decks? A 190/210HP EX seems pretty terrifying to me. Also do you reckon that the Combustion Blast Charizard EX will get a full art? I really hoping that it does :)

This set has a lot of good pre evolutions, some even better than what they evolve into.

I think Floette with Virizion could be a fun strategy for tanking. Genesect and Venusaur EX are some good canidates for that deck.