All Hail Gigas! DNA's Cities Report


Goodbye, everyone. I'll miss you all.
Advanced Member
So I manage to get to Cities a little early, but due to the delay (and the small size of the store), it didn't end up starting until after 2pm (I got there at 1.20pm). I met up with the usual crew of people. I brought my RegiAwesome (C) deck with me, and my intent was to try and make it all the way to top-cut. I had anticipated there would be few Gyarados and even less Machamp (my only auto-loss), because of the Vilegar that would be running around. I'd tweaked my build continuously and I was comfortable with it taking me all the way to the top.

haha i thought i could actually win cities


I don't feel confident revealing my entire decklist but I'll give you the gist of the deck idea.

Regigigas is the deck's focus and the primary attacker. He can either Gigaton Punch or Drag Off based on the situation - although today I ended up using Gigaton Punch and Drag Off only once each; I was using Giga Hammer almost exclusively today. And of course, Sacrifice is to keep him alive forever.
Dialga G is the deck's secondary attacker, and is the main point of the deck's "other half" so to speak. He can set up a Deafen lock, Second Strike/Remove Lost for high damage, and can use Special Metals. He's mainly used to counter stuff like Vilegar and Mewtwo, although since he is an SP, he can take advantage of Poke Turn.
Toxicroak G is so I don't automatically lose to Machamp and at the very least can put up a fighting chance. Due to Deep Poison, Skuntank G is also a small necessity.
And of course I have all the usual techs (Uxie, Mesprit, Jirachi, Regice).


Round 1: Danny A, running Gardevoir PL engine

I ended up going first, starting with a Dialga G w/Skuntank G benched. He starts with only an Oddish. I think Vilegar, but because Body-Lock, I lol at it. I have an epic hand (double Drawers and a Cyrus), but I go first so I attach a DCE and end. He Rare Candies to Vileplume, DCEs that, and ends. Thing is, it was Vileplume LA - the one with the trainer-lock attack. After that, I end up getting my setup and tack a Belt and a Special Metal onto my Dialga, and then I also bench a Jirachi. I Second Strike for 70. He attaches a Psychic energy, poisoning me, but doesn't bench anything else, so therefore it was game. He never saw the titan. He thought it was SPs. :p

1-0 (End result: 6-5 win, opp no basics)

Round 2: Anthony Q, running SP Toolbox

I end up starting with Drag Off Gigas, so he basically knows what my deck is already. I try to get it set up as quickly as possible, and I succeed. He ends up Tail Coding my DCE onto my benched Jirachi, much to my disappointment. I X and Belt it and then Giga Hammer his monkey. He sends up FB chicken and starts Luring Flaming stuff - including my Regice. But since I've X'd my titan I just sacrifice my active and yank energies that I dumped there with Regi Move. He drops another monkey and Tail Codes a Water onto my Jirachi, disrupting my Giga Blaster. He was unlucky - I had another one right in my hand. He also Portraited once but he had no trainers to copy. I found out later in the match he wasn't running any Spray (seriously, what?!). It staved off my paranoia, and I basically altered between either Giga Hammer and Giga Blaster the whole game. At one point he Looker's my giant hand and then KO's my Titan X (belted and all), much to my chagrin - since I had a DCE and a few other things that would make it game due to my benched belted Gigaton Puncher being powered up. I search for an Uxie with Bebe's, and after burning my hand I draw 6 cards. I draw into a DCE and a Pluspower, which KOs his Honchkrow without the need for a coin flip.

2-0 (End result: 2-0 win)

Round 3: Dylan V, playing Gyarados

I found out he was playing Gyarados as he was shuffling his deck (I saw a Magikarp on the bottom). Not surprisingly I find out he has a Sableye lead. He goes first and Collectors for a few things, plus benches a Magikarp. I started with a Mesprit active and a Regice benched, so I start my setup. I elect for Drag Off Gigas, again, and proceed to set it up quickly. With the Collector in my starting hand, I search for the Gigas and two Crobats. I drop them both plus a Poke Turn for an easy Magikarp KO. On T2, not surprisingly, he drops a BTS and gets his Gyarados out. Instead of attacking me right away he Impersonates for something (I forgot what). I then play a Warp Point to bring Gigas up, and he deploys the snake. I Regi Move to dump 2 Energies, then I Snackrifice the Mesprit, giving me a T2 Giga Blaster - and then I use it and destroy 2 of his Warp Energies, which was actually delighting to me. I had to keep Sacrificing every turn, however, just to stay alive, but I was trying to set up my bench. He ended up Rescue Energy'ing all his Gyarados, but since I kept OHKOing them it didn't matter too much to me. (I drop down a Twins around this point to Belt myself, much to his chagrin - hence why I could OHKO non-belted Gyara.) At the end it came down to me with 2 prizes and him with 1. I have Snowpoint out so his Tail Revenge 110 can only not-OHKO my Gigaton Puncher on the bench. He Regi Moves, I send it up. He drops a Crobat, and I slam my fist on the table before saying 'gg'.

2-1 (End Result: 2-0 Loss)

Round 4: Edmund K, playing Machamp

I end up fighting my only auto-loss that day, against Edmund, no less! Sometime earlier during the day, he found out I was playing Regigigas, and since then he wanted to fight me (because of my auto-loss to him). We both have horrible starts, but at least I start with Toxicroak G, preventing a Take Out from screwing me over. I don't draw into a supporter (Cyrus) until T5 or so, and only then do I realize that my only Psychic Energy is prized. I groan in agony and realize my Twins is prized as well, and I groan again. I realize there's no way for me to win now, so I just try to stall with Toxicroak G. It doesn't work very well. Machamp SF just destroys me.

2-2 (End result: 4-0 loss)

I came with the intention of topcutting, as my meta is heavily SP based. Sitting at table 2 in the first round was a good premonition (for me, anyway) of things to come, but unfortunately it didn't last. I had a great day all in all.

~The RegiAwesome build I was using for being so consistent
~My opponents for being such great sports
~An easy round 1 win
~Giga Hammer, for showing me how good it really is when interchanging with Giga Blaster
~Dylan V, for being my favorite game of the day to play against

~Ending up losing two rounds in a row
~Not seeing any Vilegar whatsoever in an SP-heavy meta (there were just as many Gyarados as there were Machamp, but no Vilegar at all)
~Edmund K for somehow jinxing the matchups so that we two would fight in round 4, ending in my final record of 2-2
Gigas =0

Good job, but kinda surprised about the Gyarados loss. And Machamp's pretty much the reason why I'm not taking Gigas to Cities xD.
Awesome report good to hear you had some success with this rogue deck, that gyarados match sounded pretty intense would have loved to see it. Sucks that you had to face a machamp lol Keep at it!
The Gyarados match was my favorite match of the day. It was basically tit-for-tat the entire game; he would Tail Revenge and hit me, and I'd either Sacrifice or bring up Gigas from the bench and just OHKO his Gyarados w/Giga Blaster in response. Sure, the quick Magikarp KO was nice (and how I managed to keep some kind of edge), but in the end, Regi Move got me.

I did manage to drop a Mesprit at one point when I didn't OHKO his first Gyara to prevent him from Regi Moving.
I knew there was Machamp, but the risk paid off by the amount of hilarious hijinks and awesome plays I had that day.
Nice going! Sucks for what great cards you had in your prizes on the fourth round. That's a great score for a rogue deck! Keep at it! At least you had more props than flops. ;)
1 Psychic Energy
1 Twins
1 Jirachi
1 Expert Belt
2 Premier Ball

Sad and lulzy at the same time. But I had fun so in the end it all worked out, Machamp or no Machamp.
Nice job. Who has beaten Gyarados with Gigas before? I know not one that has yet everyone says the matchup is good :/
I have, once or twice before. It takes quite a lot of skill to pull it off, but it is possible. It just wasn't my day today.
Oh well, time to prep myself for head judging in 3 weeks.
See, I've been in one match against Gyara, speculated another, and heard of some other and haven't seen a victory against Gyarados. I'm starting to think the matchup is pretty bad.
The matchup for Gyarados vs Regigigas is actually "Even", not "Favorable". It's really up to who plays their cards the best and knows how to take the prizes faster.

Both my opponent and I got set up really fast, and we basically exchanged prizes throughout the whole match. Then he just drops down a Regi Move and a Bat (both Gs) to take his last prize. If you can get set up before the Gyarados can get rolling, you'll be at an advantage, but at the same time, you need to keep it up and make sure you can stay in the game.
T1 Mesprit and Giratina right after Impersonate is what improves the matchup greatly. It sets Gyarados back a turn since they have to re-Impersonate if they don't draw into Collector, and Mesprit stops any Regice/Uxie from working if they do draw into Collector. It slows down Gyarados quite a bit, and allows you to hopefully setup more quickly than Gyarados can. But yeah, it really depends on the opening hand.
A tip for champ is run a 3-3 Bannette, its also good for discarding cards in your hand. SoM ran it at BR's and it worked really well
I didn't end up staying the entire time at the tournament (I had to leave early) so I don't know who won. I'll find out though. (And if someone here did stay to the end of Costa Mesa Cities, s/he can post here and say who won as well.)

3-3 Banette? Wouldn't that be a little overboard?
EDMUND? MACHAMP? what the heck.

good job. tough matchups. ALL HAIL GIGAS (and Gyarados=))
lol edmund k and machamp.
GG dna u should have just scooped after i got one machamp out tho it was funny how bad my start was i just keept gracing through random stuff. u playin at next chrisbos event?
I'm going to be head judging at Chrisbo's next event, boy. Bow before my awesome power.