All Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex and Steven’s Metagross ex Deck Cards Revealed!

Water Pokémon Master

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All cards from the “Steven’s Beldum & Metagross ex” and “Marnie’s Morpeko & Grimmsnarl ex” decks have been revealed! They will release on February 21st for 1,800 yen each.
The cards from these decks will be included in our Destined Rivals set in May.





Thanks goes to JustInBasil for the translations!
Marnie’s Purrloin – Darkness – HP60
Basic Pokemon
[D] Sharp Nail: 20+ damage. If your...

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Steven's Claydol hits for 280 consistently in Gardevoir Munkidori for only 3 energy, which is good since post-rotation it'll be harder to get Psychics in the discard pile
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I kinda like baltoy and claydol, skarmory has a good attack but 50 might not be enough since since you wanna be able to ohko 60/70hp basics before they evolve. Both of these decks still seem a little underwhelming unfortunately.
We want a reprint of this attack, or an upgrade of it, since we live in a meta where the max HP is 340.
Wait morpeko is like actually pretty good. Just pop down a grimmsnarl and boom. 220 damage on a basic one prize pokemon. Oh no, your morpeko gets one shot? No problem, get another one (nest ball or buddy buddy poffin), play energy recycler, have another morgrem or impidimp on your bench earlier and a grimmsnarl in hand + rare candy sometimes (this part might be harder), retreat into morpeko and BOOM. This plus pidgeot might be a competitively viable deck???
EDIT- You could also swap out pidgeot with n's zoroark ex for a draw engine, but unless you include some n's pokemon too, pidgeot is just better.
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how did they fumble SEVEN trainer's pokemon decks?
The same way they fumbled every stellar tera.

But tbh, I think pokemon is just really bad at making good decks out of only one wave of support. Most of these decks just need a little push to be actually good rn.
Liepard defeats no one relevant with weakness right? yikes (still think they should rearrange some weaknesses around)
Well, it's a starter deck product so I wasn't really expecting anything else other than the face ex cards, especially on a 1800 yen price tag.

Claydol is pretty funny though. I think it might actually be a deck outside of Steven's.
I wonder why these weren’t put in Journey Together. These release over a month before, after all. Would have helped to make the set bigger
The same way they fumbled every stellar tera.

But tbh, I think pokemon is just really bad at making good decks out of only one wave of support. Most of these decks just need a little push to be actually good rn.
They're not bad at it they're choosing not to. For some unknown reason they don't like a diverse meta and only want a couple good decks running around.
Now I wasn't expecting anything, so all this mid is fine. Steven is actually doing better than I expected to be honest. Just wish there's more spread I can do with metal and psychic.
Steven’s beldum… random ass trainer and Pokemon. Might as well have Molyanes cosmog or Valorie’s cottonee.
Now I wasn't expecting anything, so all this mid is fine. Steven is actually doing better than I expected to be honest. Just wish there's more spread I can do with metal and psychic.
Metagross gets better the more generic Psychic/Metal type releases in the future. Right now there's not much cool options because it's competing with something else (Gardevoir) or already self-sufficient (Archaludon), but the fact that it doesnt lock the ability only to Steven's Pokemon like Marnie's Grimmsnarl does makes it very open.