Then we have to start altering the name of Pokébeach into something else, maybe, PokéCastle or PokéPalace, seeing as Pokébeach may be possessed too!

Anyways, looking at the leaks now, I really like the fish and its concept of its species merging into one gigantic uber fish. Just too bad its not a Evolution, but a forme change of sorts. The Alolan versions of Marowak and Meowth look pretty good. Could it be that Marowak died in trying to adapt and became a Ghost/Fire type as result? Pretty gloomy if you ask me.
The Sandcastle mon is pretty ingenious, and I like its design. Pretty original.
As for Team Skull, they're pretty cool looking. Based on how they are dressed, it looks like they appear to be a cross between pirates and shamans/necromancers. Perhaps their goal is to disrupt the delicate balance of life, seeing as it was mentioned by Masuda that Alola's theme is about life/teems with life. With a team known as Skull, its reasonable to expect they have something to do with a death theme of sorts. I'm calling the idea that, with their skull and possible death theme, they will specialize in Ghost-type Pokémon, along with the occasional Dark and Poison types.