The List:
Pokemon: 18
Eevee x4
Glaceon GX x3
Alolan Vulpix x4
Alolan Ninetales GX x3
Alolan Ninetales x1
Tapu Lele GX x2
Remoraid x1
Octillery 1
Trainers: 31
Professor Sycamore x3
N x2
Cynthia x3
Guzma x3
Brigette x2
Ultra Ball x4
Aqua Patch x4
Choice Band x2
Float Stone x2
Rescue Stretcher x1
Super Rod x1
Field Blower x1
Brooklett Hill x2
Energy: 11
Water x7
Double Colorless Energy x4
This is my best decklist for covering as much as possible. Feel free to suggest ideas as to what i could change to make it better, or what needs to be fixed if I'm weak to anything i didn't think of. (the Eevee's are the energy evolution and the Alolan Vulpix are the beacon version.)
Pokemon: 18
Eevee x4
Glaceon GX x3
Alolan Vulpix x4
Alolan Ninetales GX x3
Alolan Ninetales x1
Tapu Lele GX x2
Remoraid x1
Octillery 1
Trainers: 31
Professor Sycamore x3
N x2
Cynthia x3
Guzma x3
Brigette x2
Ultra Ball x4
Aqua Patch x4
Choice Band x2
Float Stone x2
Rescue Stretcher x1
Super Rod x1
Field Blower x1
Brooklett Hill x2
Energy: 11
Water x7
Double Colorless Energy x4
This is my best decklist for covering as much as possible. Feel free to suggest ideas as to what i could change to make it better, or what needs to be fixed if I'm weak to anything i didn't think of. (the Eevee's are the energy evolution and the Alolan Vulpix are the beacon version.)
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