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Expanded Alolan Raticate GX (BW-ULP)


Night March is overrated
So, I know this card doesn't have much hype, but I think it's got massive potential (at least in Expanded). Here's pretty much the idea of the deck:

Pokemon - 12
4 Alolan Rattata SUM
3 Alolan Raticate GX SMPR ???
1 Alolan Raticate BUS
2 Sableye DEX
2 Trubbish BKP
2 Garbodor BKP
2 Exeggcute PLF

Trainers - 16
1 Dowsing Machine PLS
4 Ultra Ball SUM
4 Puzzle of Time BKP
4 Max Potion GRI
3 Acerola BUS
3 Bodybuilding Dumbbells GRI
3 Choice Band GRI
3 Float Stone BKT

Energy - 3
3 Dark Energy SUM

The idea of this deck is simple: whack for no energy. 3 Dark energy is to be able to use Sableye's Junk Hunt. I run eggs with Garbodor because Garbodor isn't necessary early game, and late game you'll most likely not need everything in your hand, so you can just discard the other cards in your hand. SUM Alolan Rattata for free retreat and 20 for no energy. Max Potion whenever Alolan Raticate GX takes a big hit, as it likely won't be OHKO'd with Bodybuilding Dumbbells. This is definitely gonna be one of the decks I can't wait to try.