As for the actual cards...
Jigglypunny is as gimmicky to be expected from a Jiglypuff card. At least it has Mew2 synergy.
Volcarona seems really powerful, but having to use Welder every turn to power it up is lame - yet here enters Red and Blue. Art is an abomination, but it makes a potential deck less Welder-dependant.
For that matter Red and Blue is a blessing in this post-rotation world. Evolution GX can now be viable, not only colorless and fire ones. I'm really happy about this card, now if only its art wasn't so ugly...
Drampa hits 140, and Dragon happens to have many energy attachment tools while also keeping Mysterious Treasure. May warrant some testing.
Lunala's viability entirely depends on the rulings - does Solgaleo GX count as Solgaleo for the purposes of the card? Does Solgaleo prism? 130 for PPC is already done better by Malamar and Giratina, so we also need to get a damn good Solgaleo out of this set to make this work... unless they want you to load Solgaleo and Lunala TTGX, and that's as stupid as it gets.
Armaldo is cool. A fossil deck doesn't have to rely on Unidentified Fossil with Research Lab, but the CC cost in a non-double colorless world is bad. I know potential 220 for C maybe would be crazy, but c'mon, fossils need all the love they can get.
Tag Whistle - okay consistency tool. Caitlin and Cynthia - ugly art, cute effect, I would rather Lusamine for discarded supporters. Draw 3 is cute but a deck that would seek to recycle supporters probably wouldn't bother.
Island License is... weird. Maybe used on decks teching gx on single prize decks, like Dedenne-Gx, but that idea probably warrants too much deckspace.
Alolan Ninetales - may be used on Rotom decks or warrant its own variant with teched Rotoms and using Fairy Charms now that the option is there.