Am I allowed to trade, not sell?

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Aspiring Trainer
I have a Staraptor FB Lv.X and a Rayquaza C Lv.X that I'm thinking about trading for bulk or maybe other stuff, so I'm wondering, am I allowed to offer these to people instead of money? Because technically I'm not actually selling them am I?

Obviously I'd send them first just as I would if it was money.

Checked in the rules but can't see anything about trading, just buying/selling.

Let me know please!
Where is this? Some places have rules about selling, but otherwise you can do whatever you want.
Glace said:
Where is this? Some places have rules about selling, but otherwise you can do whatever you want.

I mean just here on the forums in the trading corner, because I'm not a verified seller, am I okay to include these in deals? Say like here's $10 Paypal and you'll receive these cards in a few days, please send the cards that we've traded for when you receive them?
It might be be better to ask in the Trading Corner, the Trade Mods can answer. Try
PM a trade mod such as [smod]omahanime[/smod] for questions regarding the trading corner.
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