Am I the only one who hates Delta Species Pokemon?

i dislike them as well Tomokazu Komiya, can't stand
em though i do like the holon engine trainers (i know that they are not pokemon) and the holon magnetrodes. that's it though.

Arcanine out.
Miracle Crystal looks promising because only 1/3 of the Pokemon are delta species. As for color clashes, I found another really good one: Latios and Latias from HP. Excellent choice of water and fire for red and blue. However, the DS ones are just plain ugly. Ooh, I also thought of 2 new cards: Holon's Porygon and Holon's Porygon2. They're computers, why don't they count as energies? That would be awesome! I would also like to see a Porygon2 ex....
How about Flygon Delta Species? He's Grass, and Flygon is green...-ish... :/
Flygon 'd' is a cool Delta Species, but the art on him has a matal hue and that clashes horribly with his green body and the background:/
Yeah, the metal is what I hate the most. And by the by, has anyone noticed the only dual-types are with metal and darkness type? (Dual armor poke-body doesn't count) It makes since, since those types give the Pokemon immediate advantages, but I would still like to see a natural water/electric Lanturn. If Pokebeach has blank cards of all-type dual types, why doesn't the regular TCG?
Well, the new Dark Pokémon are always Darkness and their original type to show that they are Dark Pokémon.

Delta Species Pokémon were at first part Metal to show that they have been altered by the Holon Scientists (Haha, I'm so cool). Later on, more Delta Species Pokémon were discovered, which would probably explain the basic form single type, but most of the final forms are still part Metal.

I personally think the Dual Armor Poké-Body is a better option than forcing them to be two types. With Darkness/something and Metal/somethings, you get bonuses regardless of whether the target resists Metal (but nothing in the game resists Darkness?).

Let's say you've got that W/L hybrid Lanturn. There could be a time where you'd want it to just be its base type, say, Lightning, in order to avoid Resistance. Or maybe it doesn't fit in your deck if you use the Water sub-type, and if the Lanturn card is forced W/L, you're saddled with that Water type that could hurt more than it helps. If you're fighting something that resists Metal, at least you've got another type to nail weakness (No Grass Pokémon that's resistant to Water is weak to Lightning) and a Metal bonus. With normal types... you got nothing.
I understand, but then howcome Sceptile 'd' ex, Gardevoir 'd' ex, and Tyranitar 'd' ex:)D) are single Delta Species types? Why not metal? If it's because it would make them 'uneven' that's completely ubsurd because Steelix ex is a Stage 1, 150 HP Metal Type. To me that's uneven, but cool.
They are single types because giving them a Metal type in addition to ex status would require two rules on one card. Can't have that. :)
RE:  Am I the only one who hates Delta Species Pokemon?

Scizor VS Me said:
It like the creater have no more name for the set. It so freaking. All the delta suck and they have no purpose!

Don't force your opinion on to others

The only bad thing about ds is that sometimes they work together so good, that non delta species almost don't get a chance...It just looks like one big set of delta species :)

But I rather fight against a delta species deck than against a dark/rockets deck

I think delta species is very good for pop in general, finally breaking through the same types over and over again
The Metal type is cool, but the problem is that you need like 3 Metals on 1 DS Pokemon to resist 2 attacks. In this day of age for Pokemon, DS Pokemon still have yet to be used properly.

The Rocket's and Dark Pokemon don't all need Dark Energies to attack, making them more useful, but the DS Pokemon do need Metals to attack with overly costed weak attacks. Dark and Rocket's Pokemon are A lot better in my oppinion.
yeah but that's why they have designed holon research tower, any basic energy counts as metal, that's actually really cheap
yeah, and it makes salamance broken :s, combined with flygon, aereodactyl and golduck it's a an amost unbeatable combo
I can't stand DS pokemon, they might have strong attacks, but there hp is really low.Plus the metal thing isn't all that great.
Some of the ds pokemon are plain stupid. Who ever heard of a lightning charizard?