Amazing Discoveries League - Tucson, AZ

RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

I suppose you are both right lol I'm going to the 9/10
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

Awesome! Well invade PHX BR's and sweep.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

Tucson sweeeeep. You going to both also?
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

for sure.Playing luxchomp and dusknoir.

Please write in normal speak and not chat speak.~de
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

Not sure if we can talk about the prerelease at AD here, but...

Prerelease is the 24th (the day) after Saturday's league. Registration starts at noon.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

Yeah, we can list upcoming events. I was surprised it wasn't on Halloween.

dmaster out.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

Xander here.

Shiv and I will be going to both of the Phoenix BRs this weekend. I need to get into contact with him about whether or not we're going to be going to Hat's games Friday, though.

I'm still trying to decide what I'm going to run, though.

*Quick edit*

Anyone got a Blaziken FB, Blaziken FB Level X, and a Uxie X I can trade for/or borrow? I want to run Blaziken FB/Garchomp C/Sableye for one of the events. :)
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

^I have none of the above. Sorry.

@dmaster Yeah, that surprised me too. Also, no costume contest here! :/ I was going to go as Sudowoodo..
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

Yeah, the 31st one is at Gamer's Inn which is where they'll have it I guess.

dmaster out.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

I do have a 1-1 line of blaziken FB X that you can borrow if Im not using it (i might be)
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

There's also a contest the 30th at Hero's :/ altho, we do get a VGC contest in lieu of the halloween contest.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

Doubles? Eww, I hate Doubles...

dmaster out.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

The VGC is a joke. I'll stick to Shoddy Battle and Pokemon Online, thanks. :)
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

Dmaster: i'll be there tomorrow. Change of plans lol
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

Ok. I'm not going to forget this time since I haven't told my Mom at all.

dmaster out.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

Does anyone have any of the following?

1 Vileplume UD
3 Gengar SF
1 Gengar Lv.X
2 Champions Room
1 Staraptor FB
1 Drifloon SH1
1 Unown Q
2 Stark Mountain
2 Pokemon Collector
3 Pokemon Rescue

I'm looking to getting some friends of mine into the game, so I'm trying to get the stuff together to have several, complete competitive decks.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

I have:

2 Champions Room
2 Stark Mountain
2 Pokemon Rescue
And I might have an extra Q

I'm actually looking to sell them, I can bring them by league tomorrow.
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

Lunchbox was a lot of fun to play, except I wish my game vs Dmaster didn't take like an hour to finish.

Shiv and I will be at the Tucson prerelease, but I won't be entering. Just spectating the sealed pack, and trading post-event. :)
RE: Hat's Games and Amazing Discoveries Leagues Tucson, AZ

Im going to the prerelease, and I want everything. Gengar prime, rescue energy, junk arm, hunter, lost world, and mew prime. Plus grumpig lol.