Ambipom G or Dragonite FB? (For Luxchomp)


Gyarados Bait
The title says it all. Which is better in Luxchomp, or any SP deck really, Ambipom G or Dragonite FB? I'm personally partial to Ambipom G, since it can donk much easier, and tail code can be pretty disruptive. Tell me what you think!

Ambipom G

Dragonite FB
I like dragonite FB better because of more hp and being able to counter other SP too.
IDK, I like both really... I would lean towards Ambipomb since it can set up turn one and has a lower retreat as well as not being Garchomp bait itself.
If you run warp energy, use Dragonite FB. If not, Ambipom G is the best option. If you don't run warp energy, I suggest you run some.
it doesn't...

Also, I like Ambipom better.... easier to donk with, doesn't wall yourself off with a large retreat cost (what happens if you don't have warp energies in your hand and your unown Q is gone?), and can provide some disruption.
I dunno. Dragonite FB doesn't limit itself strictly to Garchomp C LV.X, but could help against Toxicroak G and Luxray GL LV.X as well. Ambipom has the luxury of being easy to switch out, while you need to waste an Energy Gain on Dragonite FB with a DCE. It depends on whether you run Warp Energy like GHJamesGH had mentioned, but I would probably go with Dragonite FB for the bulk.
well the thing is, is that I dont always have a DCE and Galactic Switch can be sprayed.
You may not have Galactic Switch, but you could use Energy Gain from a PokeTurned Garchomp C LV.X or something. For me, Ambipom G is more of a one-use thing. Snap Attack does 120 once, and you get KO'd the next turn unless you haven't taken damage (which would be surprising if your opponent didn't have the sense to at least drop a few damage counters on you anticipating the revenge KO). Dragonite FB can take at least two hits.

I don't mind using Ambipom G in my LuxChomp deck, but really, it's based on preference.
Very true, it is based soley on preference. Another question: how important is promocroak if luxray isnt that popular?
You need to use 1 or 2 warp in luxchomp because it allows you to dragon rush twice in a row and helps you recover from starts other than luxray and garchomp.

Another reason I love Dragonite FB is getting it out turn one against the mirror. Think about how awesome getting a turn 1 KO on a Luxray would be. That would ruin the opponent. So far, I've done it 2-3 times in the few weeks I've played it in my deck.
Ill definitely try dragonite, but IMO ambipom is still better. It has a much more manageble weakness, so It actaully CAN survive just as long as dragonite, but Ill just need to test it to see which I like better. It's just that I like using ambipom to KO an uxie that was meant to be sacked, just so that my main attackers aren't left out in the open.
Ambipom IS better. You can donk with it.

Why do you need an "SP Counter"? 80 Damage isn't a whole lot for a DCE and a gain. Only reason it's good on Garchomp is because it can snipe. But even Dialga G can be "SP Counter" technically since it can do 80 damage, remove their energy, AND tank.

Ambipom > Dragonite. NOTHING you can say otherwise changes it.
Except dialga needs at least 3 energy cards, while dragonite needs at least 1.
And giving up 2 turns of attaching to an sp deck is NEVER something you wanna do.
Now that, I agree with 100% lol.
If you have room, you can use both.
But if I had to choose either, I would have to say ambipom though.
Only because it's easier to "time."
Meaning that there are many more scenarios where ambipom would be more useful.
my friend plays luxchomp and uses a ambipom and he uses it to put energy where we dont want it and if garchomp just dragon rushed somthing u can take him out one hit wit ambipom so i think its better there no other sp to worry about other than garchomp.
In my testing so far, Dragonite seems to work better in Dialgachomp, while Ambipom works better in Luxchomp and Sablelock. In Dialga builds with Energy Exchanger, you have multiple ways of grabbing your Warp Energy and DCEs, allowing you to spam Mach Blow more quickly. The main disadvantage to Ambipom is that, under some circumstances, smart players can play around him by Bronzonging extra energy to Garchomp, leaving him with one post-snipe. Also, if the Garchomp is spamming Earthquake for some reason, there is not much a 'pom can do. In builds that cannot get that crucial DCE consistently, however, Ambipom's speed would be preferred, since you would have a much more difficult time setting Dragonite up. It all just boils down to your list.
Ive actually seen a belted ambipom do some damage to a garchomp with energy attatched.