American Idol result: satisfied?


So I heard you like muDkiPz!

Yes, I do watch American Idol. I actually wanted Adam to win but I'm still fine with Kris winning. I think he could be a great music figure. But then again all the people that come close to winning get some sort of a recording deal anyway don't they?

But anyway what did you think of the result?
I never watched American Idol, but the girls are at my school are happy. They think Kris is hot.

Pathetic (not him, them).
Yeah, I don't watch it. But my sister went CRAZY so she said. She was at her friends house, and called our house, like, going crazy. O_O
Noobnerd said:
I never watched American Idol, but the girls are at my school are happy. They think Kris is hot.

Pathetic (not him, them).


Anyway, oh yes. I am supremely satisfied. I'm just so glad he won over Adam (no offence). My Mom was POed. ;p

And I don't know about the runner ups...David Archuleta hasn't done much. Neither has Justin. Or Blake. Clay Aiken is the only one that comes to mind that has had the most success of all the runner ups.

dmaster out.
I'm happy that Kris won. I think both Adam and Kris are both very talented and the have bright futures but I'm really glad Kris won. He was my favorite in the competition. I really enjoyed the one song he played in the finale on the piano. :D

But I'm glad he came second cuz American Idol can't control what he does now :3
I was satisfied with it (I dont watch it) My mom always says that Adam guy is going to win and that he sounds like Freddy Murcury (total insult to Freddy Murcury) and Im happy everyone will shut up now.
Adam really should have won. This was a show to find the most talented singer, Chris was not. >_>
I didn't care for either of them. I'm a Danny Gokey fan... :p
I'm glad that Kris won, though. I was kind of getting annoyed by how much everyone loved Adam. The only time I thought Adam was great was when he did "Mad World".
Adam was FAR better than Kris. I'm not saying that Kris is bad, he is actually pretty good, but not in Adam's league. Americans pretty much don't know who to vote for, if it was up to the rest of the world, Adam would have won by a landslide.

Also, the thing about Adam being 'gay' also decreased the number of people who voted for him.
I was satisfied, even though I never watched an episode the whole season. From what I heard of Adams voice when they were singing we are the Champions, he was dreadful.
Yeah I know people like him should not have anything to do with queen, but Guess what, Queen wants him as there singer!>=k Freddy Murcury is dead already, why kick him when he's down?
I've been a fan of Adam ever since I saw his audition. I knew that he was definitely going to make it to the finals, and I had a good feeling about him winning, too. I was quite surprised when Kris was announced the winner. Either way, Adam and Kris are both quite talented.
meowth14 said:
I didn't care for either of them. I'm a Danny Gokey fan... :p
I'm glad that Kris won, though. I was kind of getting annoyed by how much everyone loved Adam. The only time I thought Adam was great was when he did "Mad World".

I agree and disagree. I'm glad Kris won too, and Adam I was annoyed by him. Adam was horrible. I disagree, cause when he did "Mad World," It ruined the song and made me never want to watch his performances ever again.
I know this is kind of late, but I'm extremely satisfied with the result. At first, I had my doubts about Kris, but when he sang "Heartless" I knew that he secured the votes. Look for Kris to be a "silent" lead-singer, in a band similar to "The Fray."