American Scizor vs Japanese Scizor

Rain Dancer

Master Of Blastoise
I hear that Japan Scizor has won alot of big tournaments. Just straight Scizor. But why is american straight Scizor not strong enough? Yeah, its fast but late game it seems to me it craps out on me. Japan Scizor is good in late game and is god in early game like American Scizor. My guess is that they have a great combo with him other then the turn 2 combo, or the DP rules made it faster and unlimited Metal made it more consistent. But why is Japan Scizor better the American Scizor???
They have swoop! and admin, plus in their metagame you dont get to see a thousand metanite players, and mew POP5 is very hard to get in japan, so it isnt a popular card.

I assume that they play it with lunarock, otherwise it would have lost against LBS.
The reason it wins is, like -Just me- said, they have Admin and Swoop! Teleporter, making it much more disruptive and powerful.

Arcanine out.