3 energy attack that hits for 160 with a can't attack drawback, just like Lapras GX and Volcanion EX, both of which are really strong pokemon in the meta.
"While the cards look like garbage"
Obviously, fighting is a worse type than water or fire for that kind of attack, being worse than some of the best pokemon around right now doesn't make it garbage.
Buzzwole GX screams Fighting Box with all three attacks. The snipe attack is rather versatile and both other attacks are great too. In evaluating this card you need to take into consideration that he has access to energy acceleration in the form of Max Elixir and Carbink Break. The latter also prevents energy denial. In addition there are several cards to enhance his damage output such as Choice Band, Strong Energy and Professor Kukui. Combined this could allow Buzzwole to knock out most Pokémon in one hit. also keep in mind that Carbink Break can reattach Strong Energy from the discard pile. Guzma and Escape Rope could be used to switch but there is also Silvally that enables Basic Pokémon to retreat for free. I would even argue that Buzzwole has more support than Fire. The one thing that holds him back is the weakness and the fact that you need to have two fueled Buzzwole GX out each turn once you used Absorption GX to draw the first two prize cards. However the art could have been better. It indeed does not look that good compared to the other two Ultra Beasts.