nope it was actually Shining Mew from Shining Legends we just assumed it was a GX originallyI wonder if our SM5 set will have Ultra Solgaleo and Ultra Lunaala GX. Also wasn't there something going around about a Shiny Mew-GX? Are we getting that?
nope it was actually Shining Mew from Shining Legends we just assumed it was a GX originallyI wonder if our SM5 set will have Ultra Solgaleo and Ultra Lunaala GX. Also wasn't there something going around about a Shiny Mew-GX? Are we getting that?
I don't think our opinions could be more different!I wish I could say I wanted this set. None of the GX Pokemon I like and the Ultra Beast concept seems forced. You could even consider Deoxys a Ultra Beast. I hope there are some cool Pokemon in it but I really hate it when they force in all of a Pokemon group in a set rather than spreading them out. It's just like with a set having 11 Mewtwo ultra rare cards in it. The fact that we know what GX Pokemon are in the set is sad. With other sets, we know we can look forward to at least four other GX Pokemon. Maybe Zangoose can get that ultra rare it always wanted. Butterfree would be cool too or better yet, Fearow. That Pokemon was in the game too! Now I don't even want the set.
I don't think our opinions could be more different!I love the UBs; Buzzwole and Xurkitree in particular are now two of my favorite Pokémon -- and so is Silvally!
I stopped actively playing a while ago, and when I collect, I usually only collect normal versions of Pokémon -- so, like ex, Lv. X, Prime, EX, Break, etc before them, I'm just not interested in GX cards. That being said, even if they're only present in the set as GX cards, I'm glad they're releasing all of the Ultra Beasts in one fell swoop rather than spreading them out. It reminds me more of the early days of the TCG.
Releasing the whole bunch also makes sense when looking at prior generations, where it has traditionally taken only 3-4 sets for each new Pokémon to debut in the TCG (barring some Mythicals, of course).
That's fine. I guess someone has to love them. I just never cared to obtain Legendary Pokemon in the games (mainly because you can use most of them in competitive) so I never cared for most of them in the card game but the Ultra Beast, their designs just aren't good to me. They don't feel like Pokemon, rather rejected things that could have been that made it into the game. The reason I don't want to see them all in one set is so other Pokemon can get a time to shine too because this means in future sets, these same Pokemon could be taking up more ultra rare slots. It also means they don't have to figure out what to make them all do at the same time. It's like getting two Mega Evolved Pokemon in every set (though this backfired), it gives people something to look forward to. They release two or three now, and two or three later, see how the meta evolves and release them accordingly.
I Know I feel the same, Sivally and Ultra Beasts Better not be the only GX's In this set but, Im Sure we'll get more (I Hope ...)Only 8 GX? :/
They could pull a GRI on us :/Actually, they said that buzzwole, pheromosa, celesteela, and xircitree are in the promo boxes. Meaning we have unofficial confirmation that one of the Gxs in the set will be Kartana.
oh is the 2nd pic the playmat? It looks so sick!That playmat looks awesome.
I am pretty pumped!That playmat looks awesome.
July 21th will change everything for this format! Can't wait!This set should be ten times better than burning shadows and should give us plenty of base gx pokemon to work with several different types to incorporate into an existing decks. And by then will have a new standard format anyways which will be nice. Can't wait for this set.