News America's November Set: 'Crimson Invasion,' Two Ultra Beast Premium Collections!

Wait.. Guzzlord GX.. Am i missing some rulings or is this a speed beast?

4 Guzzlord GX
56 Dark energy..

Turn One: attach energy to guzzlord --> Eat sloppely --> Attacch 5 engery
Turn Two: 180 damage
Turn Three: GX attack -->Win game

I must be missing something?
I guess I know what I'm doing at the prerelease if I pull this card
I'm really excited and interested to see how Nihilego-GX is used! Disruption decks will enjoy it. I could see Espeon-GX decks using it well because confusion affords the time to power up Nihilego. I could see it used in decks with Necrozma-GX too. What are your ideas?
Guzzlord is an amazing card. 210 hp is great for basic it means drampa and other basic gx Pokémon can't one shot you. 4 retreat cost is horrible but heavy ball can grab it out of your deck. First attack is not bad at all. If you hit at least one energy then the attack was worth it. Plus thining your deck by 5 is not bad. Second attack is not bad at all 3 darks and dce 180 with no negative effect. Biggest problem is getting all those energy but their is many ways to get the energy on him. Biggest and best way is Silvally-GX. It will give him free retreat and silvally can attach energy to guzzlord also max elixir will help. Now the best reason to play him is his gx 100 damage and if you knock out the Pokémon u get two prize card is amazing. 100 damage can knock out every basic non-gx Pokémon you get 3 prizes in one turn. A lot of test will need to be done but don't sleep on this card !!!
Nihilego GX,

Okay I just htought of this:
Nihilego + alolan muk GX + Chaos tower.
1 side of chaos tower states "this pokemon can't be poisoned or confused" so basically you only affect the opponent with poison/confusion and then you deal the extra damage which can be really nice. add in raichu / sallaze for the extra status condition and you got something real good going imo
Their is suppose to be a new special energy in the set as well. If they get a dce just for the beast guzzlord will be a deck
Nihilego-GX rocks, though! I can certainly see this as a 1 or 2 of tech in Seismitoad/Giratina deck with Chaos Tower.
Nihilego can be easily splashed into Metagross Gx decks which can accelerate energy to it really fast. On the other hand, Nihilego's ability + Darkrai Gx's Dead End Gx sounds like a terrifying combo for standard where we don't have Hypnotoxic Laser
The cards look amazing and Buzzwole GX looks like it could be good and I'm very interested to know what this ultra best mechanic is if it even is a mechanic at all.
Nihilego GX,

Okay I just htought of this:
Nihilego + alolan muk GX + Chaos tower.
1 side of chaos tower states "this pokemon can't be poisoned or confused" so basically you only affect the opponent with poison/confusion and then you deal the extra damage which can be really nice. add in raichu / sallaze for the extra status condition and you got something real good going imo
Absolutely think Nihilego does wonders for Alolan Muk. I had been playing Raichu and Salazzle (two stage ones) in order to get third status condition. With this I could swap out the 2 pika and 2 Raichu for 3 Nihilego.
Nihilego gx is a big time game changer. Both its ability for certain decks, but more importantly its gx attack is sick.