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Amoonguss/Ninetales EX

Professor Pokémon

Aspiring Trainer
4-3 Ninetales
4-3 Amoonguss
2 Mew EX
1 Shaymin EX

4 Juniper
4 Cheren
4 N
4 Level Ball
4 Devolution Spray
3 Super Scoop Up
3 Switch
2 Catcher
2 Giant Cape
2 Catcher

4 Blend GRPD
6 Fire

The strategy is really simple, evolve your Ninetales and your Amoonguss to hit with 1 Energy for 120. Mew EX is in to copy the attacks. Shaymin EX is a nice finisher.
One big Thing would be VIRBANK CITY GYM. Not out yet but you still need to add it to the list. That will increase the damage from the amoongus. Also where is the Ace Spec? +1 Computer Search

Have you thought about the Munna with long-distance hypnosis? It might work? Not sure

Do you mean to have 2 "Catcher" Twice?
- 2-1 Amoonguss. Hypnotoxic Laser is sort of this, but immediately.
- 4 Cheren. One specific card you need is better then 3 random ones, IMO
- 2 devo spray. Less amoonguses, less of these.
- 2 giant cape. I get your reasoning, but if it's not scrappered away, the opposing darkrai will just have a dark claw.
- 1 switch, your pokemon are mostly light, and I'm including a tech so less of these is more.
Consolidate the catchers.

+ 2 Sableye. I love this guy, he gets back your hypnotoxins, devo sprays, level balls. You're running the blends, why not have a few Sableyes?
+ 3 Skylas. Explained in Cheren
+ 3 Hypnotoxic Lasers. Poison and 50% sleep in an item. Amoongus Lite, but you don't need to spend time evolving it.
+ 2 Virbank City Gym. Boosts poison to 30 pur turn.
+ 1 tool scrapper. Eviolites and Garboder hurt this deck, so run this, then junk hunt for it if you need it again.
+ 1 Computer Search. I'm sure you just forgot.
I stopped playing for a while so did not know that you "have" to play a Computer Search. Will be the stadium (Virbank City Gym) card released in the next set?

I post the new deck list with the suggested changes:

4-3 Ninetales
2-2 Amoonguss
2 Sableye
2 Mew EX
1 Shaymin EX

4 Juniper
4 N
3 Skyla
2 Devolution Spray
4 Level Ball
3 Hypnotoxic
3 Super Scoop Up
3 Tool Scrapper
2 Catcher
2 Switch

6 Fire
4 Blend GRPD
Professor Pokémon said:
I stopped playing for a while so did not know that you "have" to play a Computer Search. Will be the stadium (Virbank City Gym) card released in the next set?

I post the new deck list with the suggested changes:

4-3 Ninetales
2-2 Amoonguss
2 Sableye
2 Mew EX
1 Shaymin EX

4 Juniper
4 N
3 Skyla
2 Devolution Spray
4 Level Ball
3 Hypnotoxic
3 Super Scoop Up
3 Tool Scrapper
2 Catcher
2 Switch

6 Fire
4 Blend GRPD
I suppose you don't "have" to play computer search, but it is a new type of card in the game. It's an Ace Spec, a special kind of item that you can only have one of. If you don't want Computer search (discard 2 to search for anything), you can have gold potion (heal 90 from your active) or one of the ones from this set coming out in the February set, Plasma Storm, Dowsing Machine (essentially junk arm, but you can get supporters or stadiums with it as well), or Scramble Switch (Switch, then move any energy from the old active to the new active). It is worth noting that Sableye's junk hunt can recycle any of these, but you're only allowed one Ace Spec card in total.

Virbank City Gym should be in Plasma Storm. It should have been in boundaries crossed, but Nintendo of America logic.

Three tool scrappers is probably excessive, if you want more then one, two is enough.
Suggestions for your new list

-2 Tool Scrapper

+1 Super Rod
+2 Virbank City Gym
+1 Ace Spec
+2 Pokemon Catcher / Escape Rope (Switch, then your opponent switches) / Devo sprays (now that there's room) / Enhanced Hammer / Crushing Hammer