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AmpChamp or FeraliTurn - HGSS on (counter deck)


Aspiring Trainer
TL;DR?(I'm a girl, what do you expect? lol) Old player returning. ReshiBoars butthurt me, and I want to make a deck to counter it.

I'm a very old player(from base and neo series times) and I'm just now getting back into it. So far I can say that the game really boring now. If everyone is playing the same two decks, it's pretty stale. Where is the creativity? (yes I'm tired of losing..)

I don't want to make a deck that everyone else is using. I also don't know all of these new cards by heart. I know better ones could be added..just don't know which. If someone could help me counter this OP deck, I would love you for life. <3

Here's what I keep going against:
Emboar/Reshi/Chino/ and either Zoroark, Mandibuzz, or Scarfty all-in-one decks

Here's what I'm thinking of building to go up against it. I have two in mind, so let me know which one is better.

AmpChamp - Purpose to use Machamp to get rid of all the energies that were just hyped on the defending pokemon. Use Ampharos to damage them when they put energies back on.

x3 Chinchou
x2 Lanturn Prime
x3 Eletabuzz
x2 Electivire
x3 Mareep (HS)
x2 Flaafy (HS)
x1 Ampharos Prime

x3 Machop
x2 Machoke
x1 Machamp Prime
(x2 Hitmonlee
x2 Gligar
x1 Gliscor)
(x2 Sandile
x2 Krokodile
x1 Krookodile - for it's Torment move)

x2 Bouffalant (revenge one)

x1 Black Belt
x1 Twins
x2 Prof. Elm's Method
x2 Interviewer's Questions
x1 Energy Search
x2 Fisherman

x2 Double Colorless
x2 Call Energy
x2 Cyclone Energy
x11 Electric Energy
x7 Fighting Energy


FeraliTurn Purpose to pretty much give ReshiBoar decks a taste of their own medicine, by using Feraligatr to put as much water energies on pokemon that power up the more energies are attached.

x3 Totodile (HS)
x2 Croconaw (HS)
x2 Feraligatr Prime
x3 Oshawott (cgi one)
x2 Dewott (cgi one)
x1 Samurott (cgi one)
x2 Alomomoa (rare one)

x3 Chinchou
x2 Lanturn Prime
x3 Eletabuzz
x2 Electivire

x2 Bouffalant (revenge one)

x1 Black Belt
x1 Twins
x3 Prof. Elm's Method
x2 Interviewer's Questions
x1 Energy Search
x2 Fisherman

x2 Double Colorless
x2 Call Energy
x12 Water Energy
x7 Electric Energy


I'm thinking AmpChamp will do better, but I hardly have any of those cards .. >>; Ouch my wallet.
Go with feraliturn. Cute name btw. But here's how I'd change it. Take out the calls for two dce since calls are getting rotated out. Take out the electa line and one chinchou to add four Pokemon collectors (or dual balls) to help you get basics and add a samurott. Leaving one spot open add three candies by taking a totodile and an oshawatt. Take out a Dewott, black belt and bouffalant for three professor oaks new theory to add draw power. I'll check later if you have more questions. Good luck
Oh good, and thanks. :3 (saves me so much money lol) I keep forgetting out rotations. xD; But I'm glad it's easy to rotate out. I only left the Elextra line in there to give it a little bit of a variety. But since all the water pokemon don't have the same weakness, that's not much of a problem. Do you think adding 1 Emcee's Chatter and just 2 Prof. Oak New Theory cards would be ok? I'm just worried that I'll at some point have a few good cards, but just need that one energy or what not.

And thank you so much for your help! c: I wish Snorlax had a mustache now.
Lol he does look quite proper with the stache! The thing about chatter is you have to flip for a maybe three cards. Hmm... You can run it of you feel it's right or a team rockets trickery (draw two and make your opponent discard one) but I run three oaks in most of my post rotation decks. But it's really up to your playing style.
I agree with Sleeping Snorlax. Use Gatr and Lanturn. You have to cut off some lines, IMO. I think Samurott isn't needed. Fix the T/S/S and the NRG's. Maybe a 1-1 Line Dodrio UD for retreat. It's great, but i don't know if you like switching around. If you like, then also use Seeker for damaged Pokémon. Feraligatr HGSS1/CoL makes nice spread damage, when you need it.
I've got this idea:

x4 Totodile (HS)
x2 Croconaw (HS)
x2 Feraligatr Prime
x1 Feraligatr HGSS1/CoL)
x2 Alomomoa (rare one)
x3 Chinchou
x2 Lanturn Prime
x2 Bouffalant (revenge one)
x1 Doduo UD
x1 Dodrio UD

x2 Rare Candy
x2 Seeker
x1 Twins
x2 Pokémon Communication
x1 Flower Shop Lady
x3 Pokémon Collector
x3 Prof. Elm's Method
x2 Interviewer's Questions
x2 Professor Oak's New Theory (PONT)
x2 Fisherman

x2 Double Colorless
x14 Water Energy
x4 Electric Energy
@Kyle: Ooo I like TR Trickery, to ruin that "perfect" hand. I only have two Prof. Oaks, so that's another reason why I had to take one out. ^^;

@Oduim: Kind of curious, but how is CoL Feraligatr better than the Ability Samurott? I hope this isn't too much of an oblivious question. ><;;; I do like the Dodrio idea, but would a Switch or Cyclone Energy be better? Just curious. c:

Oh and some of my friends were suggesting me to put an Octillery(UL) in there for it's attack that "makes the user flip a coin, and if tails their next attack does no damage." Yay or neh to that?
Cyclone energy will be cycled out I believe? And a 1-1 dodrio line would work in this deck to give your Pokemon -2 retreat. The only way feraligatr Col is better is that it can hit all your opponents Pokemon for 20. And it doesn't rely on another stage two line. I don't think octillery would work too well in this deck. But I personally like the samurott line in here. I made a two line stage two deck and it works fine.
Ooh ok I get the rotation now. I saw that a few old cards were still playable, but now I see they only are because they are in the plat/dp sets.
I'll test it out. It looks like fun to play. I guess if I can't afford another FeraliPrime, I can put a CoL in there. I only really need the 2nd Prime for draw chances, because I want it stay on the bench and support everything else(thus why I really don't want to take Samurott out). If it ends up in my prize cards, I'm screwed.

I'm glad to see Samurott getting positive feedback from the card of the day. Builds confidence. x)

Thanks for the help guys. c:
Yea new possible rotation after battle roads is heart gold soul silver on. So you can keep what you want in there until then lol
I'd like to take the core mechanic behind FeraliTurn and make the deck a little more competitive...I hope you don't mind, it's just that there are a few deck creation conventions that haven been shown to improve consistency, speed, and other positive attributes in deck performance.

31 Pokemon:
2 - 2 - 2 Feraligatr Prime
2 - 2 - 2/1 Blastoise UL/PL
1 - 1 - 1 Kingdra Prime
1 - 1 Floatzel Gl LV. X RR
1 - 1 Delcatty PL
1 - 1 Bronzong SF
4 Spiritomb AR
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
2 Unown Q LA

10 Energy:
10 Water Energy

19 Trainers, Supporters, Stadiums
3 Broken Time Space
4 Pokemon Collector
1 Pokemon Communication
1 Luxury Ball
2 Bebe's Search
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Seeker
1 Palmer's Contribution
1 VS Seeker

The Pokemon side seems heavy, while the lines seems super light, I know, but with the amount of search and setup in the format that is what works best right now. I have seen Blastoise work well with Feraligatr, better than with Lanturn, especially when the need for Lightning Energy is eliminated. If you'll notice, Blastoise PL has a similar attack to Lanturn Prime's, if high damage is what you need, but also is able to snipe two Pokemon for 60 damage each. Using Delcatty PL, one can then get those Energy back posthaste. This allows one to KO many Pokemon, especially when combined with Kingdra Prime's Pokepower, Spray Splash. Using Spray Splash, one can take out an Uxie and put 60 on another, following up the next turn by killing the other. It can be quite deadly against low HP Pokemon. The main focus of the deck, however, is to use Blastoise UL to indiscriminately snipe for 100 damage, then replace the Energy with Feraligatr the next turn. Combined with Spray Splash, this combination can KO most Pokemon, including killing Gengars while avoiding Fainting Spell. One can also simply target the active Pokemon and deal 100 damage, which is equivalent to a Blastoise PL Aqua Pressing with 8 Energy, or a Lanturn Prime with 6 (Including a Lightning). Bronzong allows one to keep a steady stream of Energy up, and creates a good combo with Blastoise PL, Feraligatr Prime, and Uxie. Floatzel allows one to keep their important techs and attackers from being lost to the discard pile, so that one may keep up a constant attack, and Spiritomb is needed to get all of these cards out relatively safely.

Luckily, this deck is not very expensive, and still defeats all of your suggested metagame decks pretty easily. Let me know how you find it in testing.
Mameshiba said:
@Oduim: Kind of curious, but how is CoL Feraligatr better than the Ability Samurott? I hope this isn't too much of an oblivious question. ><;;; I do like the Dodrio idea, but would a Switch or Cyclone Energy be better? Just curious. c:

Oh and some of my friends were suggesting me to put an Octillery(UL) in there for it's attack that "makes the user flip a coin, and if tails their next attack does no damage." Yay or neh to that?

I agree with Sleeping Snorlax again. =)
Gatr CoL isn't better than Ability Samurott, but the line for Gatr CoL is inclusive with Gatr Prime and i think with 2 stage 1 lines (Dodrio UD, Lanturn Prime) and the heavy Gatr line(maybe you could max it out to 4-2-3/1 or 4-3-3/1), another stage 2 line is for the price of speed, I know it can work well, but Samurott isn't needed because Lanturn has a very similar attack.
Yes, Dodrio UD looks curious, but cyclone NRG is rotating out and here in Germany plume lock is going around and then 1 or 2 switch is a pain for your hand, but i don't know the US metagame well.